A set of exercises for restoring vision according to the Zhdanov method

V. G. Zhdanov developed his own method of restoring and correcting vision, combining two areas together: the theory of the ophthalmologist U.-G. Bates and the system of psychoanalyst G. A. Shichko. Zhdanov claims that it is impossible to improve vision in a non-medical way without improving physical, and first of all, mental health. In his course of lectures, in addition to Shichko’s methodology, he actively promotes the healing systems of Porfiry Ivanov, Paul Bragg, and Christian commandments.

The video below contains the first lecture of the course (there are six in total), in which Zhdanov explains how the structure and operation of the eye according to Helmholtz (accepted in official medicine) differ from the theory of eye functioning according to Bates, and what are the specific causes of the development of myopia, hyperopia and strabismus. There are also some detailed exercises for the eyes.

Lecture 2

Lecture 4

Lecture 6

Автор статьи: Дегтярева Марина Витальевна, врач-офтальмолог, окулист

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