A serene arrival at the maternity ward

Childbirth has indeed started, it’s time to go. You know who should accompany you (the future dad, a friend, your mother…) and who will be available immediately to take care of your children, if you already have them. All the telephone numbers of the people to be reached are noted near the device, the cell phones are charged.


Take advantage of your last moments at home to relax as much as possible. If the pocket of water has not yet broken, take, for example, a good hot bath! It will ease your contractions and relax you. Then listen to soft music, practice the breathing exercises you have learned, watch a DVD one-on-one with the future dad (hey yes, when you come back, there will be three of you!) … The goal: to arrive serene in the maternity ward. But don’t delay too long either. A little hollow? Even if, indeed, you are going to need strength in the hours to come, better to settle for a tea or a sweet herbal tea. Sometimes it is best to go on an empty stomach as the epidural can cause nausea or vomiting. You will also be less embarrassed with empty bowels when giving birth.

Check the suitcase

Before leaving for the maternity ward, take the time to take a quick look in your suitcase, so as not to forget anything. Dad will of course be able to bring you some things during your stay, but be sure to bring the ones you will need quickly: a sprayer, Baby’s first pajamas, a comfortable outfit for you, sanitary napkins, etc. Don’t forget your pregnancy follow-up record with all the exams you have had.

On the way to motherhood!

Of course, the future dad has an interest in knowing the home / maternity route by heart. You will have other things to do than play the co-pilot! Also make her think of filling up with gasoline near the birth, this will not be the moment to give you the blow of the breakdown… Otherwise, everything should be fine. If you can’t find someone to take you to the maternity ward, you can benefit from a VSL (light medical vehicle) or taxi contracted with health insurance. This medical trip, prescribed by your doctor, will be fully reimbursed. If you choose to call a taxi yourself on the big day, it cannot be picked up. Anyway, know it, drivers often refuse to bring a woman about to give birth in their car … In any case, do not go to the maternity ward by car alone. Only call the Fire Department or the Samu in case of extreme emergency, if you already feel the urge to push, for example. Once at the maternity ward, everything is almost over… all you have to do is wait for Baby!

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