A Selfie for our fruit

In this last month of August the news of Russia’s vetoes of fruit and vegetables from the European Union have invaded the headlines of the food news.

The aid that is raised from Brussels, what will happen now with the surpluses ?, are part of the news that was published daily related to the case at hand.

From the Spanish Association of Distributors, Self-services and Supermarkets (ASEDAS) a very interesting initiative has been carried out linking consumption with technology.

Who doesn’t already know what a “selfie” is?

Especially for more than a year when, through our mobile phones and with network or messaging applications, we received the image of those American actors on the red carpet, portraying themselves with a mobile phone from the Korean firm Samsung, who so much it was necessary to speak of its “cost”, and we do not say about the telephone, but about what those who posed charged …

Well, the campaign carried out by ASEDAS is called “A Selfie to support our fruits and vegetables” and it arises as support for our national products that have noticed these days that they are not wanted in some parts of the world, and only at the whim of some “imperialists”.

To help alleviate the effects of the veto and promote the consumption of national products, they propose to make a “Selfie” with or without product, and send it to you and share it through the social network “Twitter”, mentioning the hashtag  #vetoruso.

This action aims to invade social media with our images, creating virality and of course, reaching the TT (trending topic) ranking in the network news.

The diffusion will surely help the consumption of fruits and vegetables that have been affected to a great extent with the stoppage of exports, especially at this time of year when many harvests are in full swing and it is necessary to place them in consumer markets to avoid that deteriorate.

The fresh products affected such as fruits, vegetables and vegetables, as well as fresh meat, were a very important source of imports for Russian consumers, last year they reached the figure of 1,2% of Spain’s sales abroad, being the nineteenth recipient country of our products.

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