- A selection of books for the little ones: review and review
- Sven Nordqvist. Findus’s Four Secrets, Albus Corvus Publishing House
- Vladimir Suteev. “Fairy Tales and Pictures”, publishing house “Malysh”
- Yuya and Thomas Wislander. “Mama Mu is reading”, illustrator Sven Nordqvist, publishing house “Albus Corvus / Belaya Vorona”
- Agniya Barto. “About the little ones”, publishing house “Malysh”
- Olof and Lena Landstrom. “Be and Me. Cleaning “, publishing house” Albus Corvus / White crow “
A selection of books for the little ones: review and review
It’s hot outside, which means that all mothers with babies try to spend more time outside. We walk a lot, run on the grass, dig in the sandbox, feed the birds and catch the rays of the sun. In such a happy summer mode, we have absolutely no time left for any homework. But new interesting books appeared in our library, which returned reading to our daily routine. And some of them are of such a convenient format that we even took them with us on a trip.
Sven Nordqvist. Findus’s Four Secrets, Albus Corvus Publishing House
Since I follow children’s literature, I, of course, heard about Findus and Petson. But all the books I know from this series, unfortunately, did not suit us, they are designed for older children. And then I learned about Findus’s Four Secrets. This book was created especially for the youngest readers who need to grab everything, leaf through and study as actively as possible. It is a convenient small format with thick cardboard glossy pages. Small fingers will easily turn pages, but they will not be able to tear them.
Together with the funny old man Petson, we solve the riddles that his charming cat Findus asked us. Together we will visit the chicken coop and make a commotion among its inhabitants, look into a workshop full of unusual tools, wander among the beds in the garden.
The illustrations are so colorful, interesting, leaving room for imagination. On each page, in addition to the main characters, tiny fabulous creatures live in small houses, and they are so interesting to look at. There are so many details that you can find something new every time.
The book is suitable for the tiniest six-month-old readers, but I’m sure it will be of interest to 2-3-year-olds too.
When my daughter grows up, we will definitely buy her the rest of the books from this series and continue our acquaintance with the characters we already love.
Vladimir Suteev. “Fairy Tales and Pictures”, publishing house “Malysh”
Vladimir Suteev is a well-known cartoonist, writer and artist. Even if you have not heard his name, most likely, as a child, you read his fairy tales or watched cartoons created by him, for example, “A Sack of Apples”, “Snowman-Mailer”, “Different Wheels”.
Our library already had more than one book with his illustrations. And finally, his own fairy tales appeared with his own pictures, of course.
When you open a book, the stories literally come to life. Together with the heroes, we learn to be generous, because a hare, a hedgehog, a crow and a bear were able to share an apple. We learn to be kinder and help even when it seems to be impossible, as in the fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”.
Add to this Suteev’s signature illustrations, very realistic and at the same time kind.
It’s amazing to read a book with a child and remember cartoons that I watched myself as a child, to recognize long-familiar characters. I was very pleased with the publication: a beautiful hardcover book with coated pages, excellent print quality. This copy is a real decoration of any children’s library.
Yuya and Thomas Wislander. “Mama Mu is reading”, illustrator Sven Nordqvist, publishing house “Albus Corvus / Belaya Vorona”
An excellent book for toddlers who already understand animals. They bought it when the one-year-old daughter began to distinguish between birds, depict a cow. Although in fact the book is intended for older readers, 2,5-3 years old.
There is a whole series about a cute cow named Mama Mu and a grumpy crow Krux. I chose the edition about reading, because my main goal now is to instill in my child a love of literature. And for this task, this book is perfect.
Mom Mu is an unusual cow, she decided to learn to read and achieved her goal. But the harmful Krux does not understand why she needs it and why she cannot behave like all other ruminant relatives. The main characters are very different, but they are united by curiosity and books: Mama Mu loves to read, and Kraks wants to write a book and receive the Nobel Prize. Together they are trying to uncover a secret, the answer to which could not be found in books: why do cows eat green grass, and milk turns out white?
The book consists of dialogues between a raven and a cow, which can be read so funny in roles, changing the voice and intonation.
Funky full-page illustrations complement the text perfectly. The pictures are so emotional, funny, it is easy to read the characters of the main characters from them.
I think that after reading your baby, he will want to know even more and ask new questions, to which you will try to find answers together.
Agniya Barto. “About the little ones”, publishing house “Malysh”
Poems familiar to everyone from an early age. I myself listened to them with pleasure as a child, and now I read them to my daughter with no less enthusiasm.
This book is for the little ones and about the little ones. About babies who, like your child, discover this world for themselves. And your baby can grow and rejoice together with the heroes of the book. Draw together with Mashenka a vegetable garden where currants grow, admire yourself in the mirror, like a princess, visit her children’s room, which looks more like a fairyland. Together with two sisters, raise little brother Andryusha, save him from mosquitoes, help him bathe in the tub and protect him from thunderstorms.
Kind poems that are easy to read and remember, and the same kind illustrations that perfectly complement the text. All drawings are filled with incredible light, all the colors of childhood.
I can recommend this book for young readers from a year old, as the poems are very easy to perceive. But there is a lot of text here, it is interesting, instructive and filled with many events and heroes. Therefore, it is worth rereading it both at three and at five years old.
Olof and Lena Landstrom. “Be and Me. Cleaning “, publishing house” Albus Corvus / White crow “
The book is for the youngest readers, from 6 months. There is a minimum amount of text on each page, literally one line at a time. I think three-year-olds will not be so interested in it. But for the kid just right. The book itself is square, small in size. You can take it with you on the road or in the clinic and distract the child with reading.
The main characters are Be the lamb and Me the lamb. The plot is very simple, close to our everyday life. Be and Me started cleaning the house, and the cunning vacuum cleaner grabbed and swallowed a sock: “Flups!” After saving such an important wardrobe item and finishing cleaning, our heroes themselves needed to take a bath. And when so many important things have been redone, it is especially pleasant to sit down together and have a glass of milk and cookies!
After reading the book, the baby can take a fresh look at the routine household chores. And children who are afraid of a vacuum cleaner will understand that it is not so scary, it can be defeated.
The drawings are as simple as the story itself, without a lot of detail and vibrant colors. There is no madness of colors and artistic masterpieces here. Just a lovely lamb and a lamb who invited us to see their usual day.
If your child likes charming Be and Me, you can get to know them better in the book “Be and Me. Picnic”. Take a basket with delicious supplies, sit with the heroes in the boat and go to a real picnic on the lake, which is especially pleasant on a hot summer day.