A seductive grandmother from Japan. Who is the “Black Widow” waiting for the death penalty?

Chisako Kakehi is a 75-year-old Japanese woman who is currently waiting for her sentence to be executed. How did she deserve such a fate and the nickname “Black Widow”? Almost all of Japan lived in the case of the seducer grandmother.

  1. Chisako Kakehi tried to kill her for the first time in 2007. The man she gave him a cyanide tablet survived
  2. In the following years, she changed partners like gloves. Between 2011 and 2013, she killed three men
  3. During the trial it was established that the leitmotif of the woman was money. It is estimated that she gained up to $ 7,3 million on short relationships with men.
  4. In 2017, the “Black Widow” was sentenced to death. The sentence remains unfulfilled to this day, and Kakehi fights to change it
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Let’s start from the beginning. ChisakoKakehi has been an average citizen for many years. She was born and raised in the Saga Prefecture. Her workplace was a printing factory. For 25 years, she had a completely normal family life. Her husband died of illness in 1994. In short, the woman did not arouse suspicion.

Cyanide among supplements

Everything started to change in the first decade of the 2007th century. In 78, widowed Kakehi got into a relationship with 18-year-old Toshiaki Suehiro. The two elderly people seemed to be together until December XNUMX of the same year. Then Kakehi and Suehiro met the man’s children for a family dinner.

The meal went like any other. Everyone ate their portions, Suehiro took the vitamins. It was on this occasion that Kakehi’s murderous face was to be revealed. The woman used the right moment and added one more to the spread of tablets. A few years later, the case was taken up by the court. However, we will get to the process yet. The big news is that the tablet Kakehi administered contained cyanide.

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It took fifteen minutes for Toshiaki Suehiro to faint and start having difficulty breathing. When the ambulance arrived, the man was close to death. However, the doctors managed to save him.

Kakehi accompanied the man to the hospital and talked to his family. The main difference was that during these conversations she used the nickname “Hiroka”.

Even though Suehiro died just a few months later as a result of an unrelated illness, he could speak of a lot of luck that day. Why? It was shown only in the following years in the life of “Czarna Ddowa”.

The motorcyclist was the first victim of the “Black Widow”

In 2011, Chisako Kakehi started a new relationship. Masanori Honda was a burly 71-year-old. Despite his advanced age, good form did not leave him. He regularly attended sports clubs and rode a motorcycle himself. Not only that, love has entered his life. Or so he thought.

At first glance, Kakehi and Honda’s life together was flourishing. The couple quickly began to think about the future. Back in 2011, friends heard from them that they were planning to get married. The problem was that Honda did not live to see the day when he could stand on the carpet.

On March 9, 2012, Kakehi and Honda met briefly at the store. Then each flew away in its own direction. The man got on the aforementioned motorcycle and never managed to stop it on his own. It cost him his life to collapse while driving on the same day. The “black widow” has achieved her goal. After an earlier failed assassination attempt, Suehiro Honda opened a list of her victims.

The indispensable help of the dating site

Before Honda’s death, Chisako Kakehi began dating another man. Through a dating site, the woman found Minoru Hioki.

Kakehi’s new partner was completely different from the previous one. The 75-year-old suffered from loneliness, and just before meeting the woman, he managed to beat lung cancer. The couple spent a lot of time together, whether at their homes or in restaurants around the city. During one of such exits, the criminal inclinations of the “Black Widow” made themselves known again.

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Like Toshiaki Suehiro, Minoru Hioki used to take health supplements before meals. Therefore, Kakehi easily, under the pretext of taking care of her partner’s health, gave him a poison – a pill containing cyanide. The dinner together was barely over, and Hioki passed out. This time the intervention of the medical team was for nothing and Kakehi’s “contribution” to it was a big one.

The “black widow” had lied to the ambulance crew in a perfidious way. The woman argued that Minoru Hioki had no family and that the lung cancer he had struggled with in the past never left him. Both pieces of information had nothing to do with reality. Besides, Kakehi did not agree to the resuscitation suggested by the medics. Hioki died.

The last victim of the “Black Widow”

Less than two months had passed, and at Chisako Kakehi’s side there was not only a new guy, but also a husband. Her chosen one was Isao Kakehi. The fact that it was not true love is evidenced by the later findings of the court. Just four weeks after the wedding, the woman met another man behind her husband’s back. The target of her attack, however, was only one.

The Kakehi people sat down to dinner together. They feasted in peace, and the tragedy happened only after they had left the table. Isao Kakehi is in cardiac arrest. This time the woman called an ambulance. It does not change the fact that the regimen with a deadly meal was repeated for the third time. Isao Kakehi closed the list of victims of the “Black Widow”.

Investigation begins and detained

The death of Isao Kakehi caught the attention of Japanese law enforcement. The constant bad luck of the “Black Widow” towards the rapidly dying men began to arouse suspicion. Therefore, an autopsy was ordered, which is extremely rare in the Land of the Rising Sun.

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The results were shocking. The autopsy revealed lethal amounts of cyanide ions in the man’s heart, blood and stomach. Investigations confirmed that Chisako Kakehi had been in contact with the cyanide, which she tried to conceal. Therefore, a decision was made to arrest the woman.

Money is a weakness of the “Black Widow”

The breakthrough in the investigation came only after a few months. During one of the interrogations, Kakehi herself admitted administering cyanide tablets to the four men cited above. At that moment, it remained to be determined what the motive of the woman was in carrying out subsequent crimes.

All the men who were seduced by Kakehi were lonely, elderly and could not complain about their financial situation. “Black Widow” felt great in this environment, making use of the money of her partners both during their lives and after their death. It is estimated that all the relationships allowed her to gain up to $ 7,3 million in cash and other goods.

The death penalty, attempted defense, and adamant judgment

The Black Widow trial was a hot topic in Japan. Much emphasis was then placed on the threat posed by fraudsters such as the perpetrator of the three murders. In the courtroom, Kakehi’s defense attorneys tried to convince the adjudicators of her dementia problems, and suggested that she was forced to plead guilty. The woman insisted on being innocent and unrepentant. However, in early November 2017, Kakehi was sentenced to death.

The “black widow” tried to argue with this verdict. Unsuccessfully. An appeal against the case was rejected in June of that year and the death penalty was upheld. The decision was explained as follows.

– We are dealing with ruthless crimes based on a planned and strong intention to murder – we read in the official judgment of the judge.

The time limit for executing the death penalty in Japan is six months. However, it is not known whether the lawyers representing Chisako Kakehi will file a request for a retrial. The “Black Widow” is waiting for the development of events behind bars – away from people, and above all from older single men.

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