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How many hours per week does the average person spend in the office? And while watching your favorite TV series or social networks? I don’t even want to count!
Alas, the modern way of life can be called sedentary and physically passive. What can this lead to? Let’s figure it out!
Agree, the need to spend many hours at the office desk or home computer, love of social networks and TV shows, as well as neglect of active physical activity can hardly have a positive effect on the state of the body. But if women often fear that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to excess weight or back problems, then not everyone thinks about the effect of low physical activity on leg health.
Meanwhile, prolonged sedentary or predominantly sedentary lifestyles can adversely affect leg health. Pain, feeling of heaviness, tiredness in the legs or even cramps – these symptoms may indicate the risk of developing such an unpleasant phenomenon as chronic venous disease, which we used to call simply varicose veins *.
These vein problems are associated with impaired blood flow in the human body. The resulting stagnation of venous blood leads to stretching of the vessel walls and malfunction of the venous valves, causing discomfort in the legs. In addition, experts note that in case of venous diseases, collagen production, as a rule, decreases. This leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the vein walls and provokes the formation of venous “nodules” and other unpleasant visual manifestations of varicose veins **.
Many people find that bothersome sensations and symptoms can worsen with insufficient physical activity or prolonged sitting, especially towards the end of the day. Despite the fact that they can pass after a leisurely walk or, conversely, rest with raised legs, you should not relax! *
Even if discomfort in the legs seems to be only a temporary phenomenon, with their regular occurrence, you should definitely consult a phlebologist. He will carry out the appropriate diagnostics and, if the problems with the vessels are confirmed, he will prescribe a suitable treatment.
It is very important to listen to the recommendations of a specialist and choose the right means and methods of treatment. It should be remembered that local agents (external gels, ointments and sprays) are recommended by experts to be combined with preparations of the so-called
One of the systemic agents intended for the treatment of chronic venous diseases is Detralex® venotonic, which has a complex mechanism of action.
Well, and, of course, after treatment, one should not forget about prevention, combining any sedentary work, watching your favorite TV series or enthusiastically flipping through social networks with moderate physical exertion. It is enough to add unhurried walks, a little gymnastics and even an amateur massage – a warm-up of the legs to the usual regimen – and such a lifestyle can hardly be called sedentary!
* Russian clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic venous diseases, Phlebology, vol. 7, issue 2, p. 14, 2013.
** Russian clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic venous diseases, Phlebology, vol. 7, issue 2, p. 6, 2013.
*** Russian clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic venous diseases, Phlebology, vol. 7, issue 2, p. 24, 2013.
**** Instructions for the medical use of Detralex®. Reg. beats LP-003635.