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We do not always cry under the influence of emotions, sometimes it is a signal of vision problems. Means hypersensitivity or mechanical trauma, fatigue, possibly a disease of the eyes or tear ducts. There can be many reasons for this.
We wake up, open our eyes and start the day. It’s so natural, isn’t it? Only when our functioning is disturbed, because immediately after opening the eyes pinch and water, we start to look for the reasons. Tears are often the result of emotional disturbance, but if we don’t feel sad, why do we keep crying? The answer is simple – the eyes require constant care, so when it is lacking, the body sends out warning signals. Let us not underestimate them, even if they seem trivial. Indeed, neglecting one’s eyesight leads to its loss.
A cleansing cry
There are several categories of problems with excessive tearing, thankfully not all of them are equally serious. First example – irritation of the olfactory nerve when cutting an onion. Another – tears accompanying infections of the upper respiratory tract. Or mechanical injuries, when dust, fluff or eyelash falls into the eye. The eyes start to water while defending themselves, so crying can be an ally, because it turns out to be important for the proper functioning of the organ of sight. In such a situation, we ask ourselves – where do I have so many tears from and what are their functions?
The tears are mostly water, bactericidal substances and a minimal amount of sodium chloride. They are formed in the lacrimal glands, from where they rise to the surface of the eyeball when you blink your eyelid. This liquid moisturizes, cleans and protects the cornea and conjunctiva, creating a tear film on the surface of the eye. Then the tears run down to the inner corner of the eye and through the tear ducts into the nasal cavity – that’s why we have to wipe our nose while weeping.
While sleeping, tears hardly come out, and during the day, if the system is working properly, we don’t feel it. Only in the event of an eye injury, the tear fluid is secreted so abundantly that the tubules cannot keep up with its drainage, so it is poured over the cheeks. So when the body tries to flush a foreign body out of the eye, we’ll help it by rinsing the eye with water or saline. But let’s not use a handkerchief to avoid scratching the cornea.
Pictures as if in a fog
We find an excuse for watery eyes suspiciously. We explain ourselves with hours spent in front of the screen, stress, wind and frost – especially at this time of the year. The eyes become glassy, red and hurt. We think it’s enough to get enough sleep. If this happens occasionally, it will actually help. Do the test well – if the images blur, blink your eyelids intensely. When the discomfort subsides after a while, fatigue is to blame. However, when the problems persist and persist for a long time, do not delay the visit to the ophthalmologist until tearing hinders functioning.
Forcing your eyes to exercise, let’s help them at the same time – go for walks, use cool compresses. After an hour of work in front of the computer, let’s take a 10-minute break, look into the distance, squeeze your eyelids, use anti-reflective glasses, decongestants, supplements with lutein, blueberry extract and antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium).
The eyes are not helped by staying in air-conditioned and smoky rooms, swimming in chlorinated water, hot and frosty air. These factors irritate them, cause dryness and excessive tearing. It has also been observed that hypersensitivity to weather conditions often affects women who use birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.
So what are we to do? In summer and winter, wear glasses with a UV filter or gradient glasses, and when necessary, apply artificial tears, drops containing water and high-viscosity substances that trap it on the surface of the eye. Hydrogels will also bring relief. Importantly, each preparation should be used within 30 days of opening. When using it occasionally, choose disposable ampoules.
Problems not only with glasses
When there are problems with reading, the letters blur, we get tired of headaches and eye pains (stronger in one eye), perhaps the vision defect has intensified and requires the change of glasses with glasses. Contact lenses can also be the cause. Do not sleep in them and wear them longer than specified on the package. Continuous use of them reduces the sensitivity to pressure, so we may not feel hurt. When tearing occurs, let’s rest our eyes, let’s put on the glasses. Let’s check for corneal swelling and blood vessel growth, which happens with mismatched and long-worn lenses.
Tearing may also be related to allergy. The most common culprit is hay fever, sometimes a sign of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. For a long time it manifests itself with burning and swelling of the eyelids, and later turns into an allergy to pollen, dust, hair and chemicals. We can then rinse our eyes with boiled water, saline and artificial tears. However, this sensitization is extremely bothersome, hence so many tearful allergy sufferers in the pollen season. The only advice for them is to take desensitizing drugs and … wait.
Infections and diseases
When we cannot find the cause of the lacrimation, a medical consultation is essential. As always, early diagnosis is important, because vision problems are not always the result of fatigue, but of various ailments. Tearing is common with flu infections, but it can be caused by pain in other parts of the body.
The first symptoms of a conjunctival infection are high bloodshot proteins and accompanying burning, itching, swelling and photosensitivity. In the case of bacterial infection, a watery-purulent discharge usually appears in the eyes on the second day, while with a viral one – it usually tears one eye, and only then the other. During the first XNUMX hours, we can wash them with disinfecting drops every hour. When this does not bring relief, let’s use the help of a doctor who will prescribe drops or ointments with sulfonamides or an antibiotic in the first case. In contrast, in viral conjunctivitis, local agents will be administered to avoid bacterial superinfection and to relieve swelling and tearing. The disease then lasts several weeks and is initially highly contagious. Therefore, special hygiene should be observed – wash your hands frequently, do not use common soap, towels and bed linen.
Antibiotic therapy is essential for inflammation of the tear ducts – bacterial or fungal. Then the tears run down the cheeks instead of the tubules to the nasal cavity. The cause is the swelling of the tubules. However, the obstruction will also cause poor or too frequent administration of antibiotic or steroid drops.
Obstruction of the tear ducts can also be caused by chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa and sinuses, purulent inflammation of the lacrimal sac, tear point diseases, eyelid edema, anatomical changes (scars, polyps) or the formation of a hematoma. Obstruction of the tear outflow tract requires medication, probing, and irrigation. When that doesn’t work, surgery is required.
Plastic surgery, this time of the eyelid, is used in the elderly when tearing is due to sagging skin. This problem is exacerbated in windy weather. Therefore, when sagging is pronounced, combined with a curl between the eyelid margin and the tear point, the ophthalmologist may refer you for surgery.
Excess tearing is also associated with ulceration of the cornea, inflammation of the iris and ciliary body. These types of ailments also mark the beginning of one of the types of glaucoma. Typical for her is severe pain and an increase in pressure in the eye (not necessarily), beating against objects, nausea, dizziness. The sick person sees blurred contours, and looking at the light source, he sees a rainbow. Let’s not delay the visit to the doctor. Glaucoma remains latent for a long time. When it comes out, it is in the form of irreversible vision loss.
For rinsing the eye to remove foreign matter, use boiled water or saline, never a tissue.
When we cannot find the cause of excessive tearing of the eyes, a medical consultation is necessary.
When there are no more tears
But what happens when there are not enough tears? Then the so-called disease may develop. dry eye syndrome. Its symptoms include redness, burning sensation, a feeling of sand under the eyelids, blurred vision. One of the causes of the tear deficiency is the atrophy of the lacrimal gland. The disease is more common in menopausal women using contraceptive pills, as a result of the formation of conjunctival scarring, as a result of taking certain medications. Requires a medical diagnosis. The fastest is the Schirmer test (a graduated paper is placed under the lower eyelid and after 5 minutes the water absorption of tears is checked), the time of the tear remaining on the surface of the eyeball is also measured. It may be necessary to perform a procedure involving obstruction of the tubular opening and the use of artificial tears – actually for the rest of life, with the frequency of administration depending on the severity of the disease. Therefore, we should remember about prophylaxis, but also support the therapy. Let us make sure that the rooms have adequate humidity, temperature and lighting. Take walks and air the apartment often, wear safety glasses, take care of occupational hygiene and perform periodic eye examinations, exercise your eyes and drink plenty of water.
Text: Monika Brodowska
Consultation: lek. med. Barbara Domosławska, Damian Medical Center
Source: Let’s live longer