A revolutionary system already in Poland. Doctors from Katowice have holograms of patients at their disposal

The heart and veins on the surface before surgery? It is possible now. Doctors in Ochojec first plan treatment on the avatar, and only then start cutting a real patient.

The innovative system is used by doctors at the Upper Silesian Medical Center in Katowice-Ochojec. They can put on special glasses that show them the “patient” levitating between the real one and the screens of monitors.

With a few hand movements, you can peel it from the skin and muscles. It sounds drastic, but thanks to this, the doctor is able to plan, for example, the places of puncture of the arteries, or to check the best way to start heart surgery.

The hologram is compiled on the basis of previous computed tomography. Prof. Andrzej Ochała, who has already had the opportunity to use glasses, admitted in an interview with Gazeta Wyborcza that “the image is stunning”.

However, these are not all the possibilities of the system. The HoloLens technology developed by the Italians also allows you to connect with other glasses around the world. In practice, this means that doctors from different countries can consult each other on an ongoing basis as to how to perform the operation.

So far, Poles have performed two operations using this medical novelty. However, the simple operation of the system and its usefulness will probably make them use HoloLens more often.

source: Wybcza.pl

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