A revolutionary discovery as a hope for patients with breast cancer

American researchers conducted experimental treatment of women suffering from breast cancer. The results of their research are optimistic, but require further and more in-depth tests. It turns out that the newly discovered drug may extend the life of women with advanced stage breast cancer.

According to studies by American scientists, pharmacological treatment with the new drug radically increased the survival rate of patients with advanced stage breast cancer. This applies to women who were previously told that they had only a few months to live. Moreover, patients who were treated with the new drug lived six months longer than those who received traditional chemotherapy.

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A revolutionary discovery as a hope for patients with breast cancer

The newly discovered drug trastuzumab deruxtecan works by using antibodies (proteins produced by the immune system) to detect and attach to cancer cells. Then he delivers them a drug that destroys them.

These observations were carried out on a group of 557 breast cancer patients, who additionally had metastases to other parts of the body. Of these, 373 were receiving an experimental drug, while 184 were receiving traditional chemotherapy.

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Through the experiment, researchers found that the drug held back tumor growth for twice as long as standard chemotherapy. As a result, the patients lived six months longer. According to the researchers’ observations, women who took the drug lived for almost two years. Those undergoing standard chemotherapy – 17 months.

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Unfortunately, the newly discovered drug has serious side effects. Some of them are similar to those found in chemotherapy. And these are, among others nausea, fatigue and hair loss. Moreover, as a result of taking the drug, some patients even developed lung damage, some of them died.

However, the researchers emphasize, their research results open the way for further experiments and further breakthroughs in the field of cancer treatment.

To assess your cancer risk, complete the Women’s Cancer e-Packet – Extended Genetic Testing to help you take preventive steps faster.

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