Man’s honor: to honor the law, to protect relatives and homeland. Men’s entertainment is to fight and grab something.
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Boys and girls are different from the start. Girls from childhood prefer to play with dolls, outfits and relationships, boys are more interested in cars, construct something and fight. You can, of course, raise a girl from a boy, but why? Probably, from a boy it is worth raising a man. A real man.
A real man is different from both a dork and a human child. “Let’s be honest, whether you are a man or not is determined not only by physiology. And no “feats” in the field of physiology make a sissy a man. And you need to be a real man. At least for the sake of falling in love with you, and never falling out of love with yours — a real woman, ”a man who has taken place tells the future man.
A real man is a social role and a collective image that embodies the best male traits. Note that at different times and in different cultures, the image of a real man could be very different and not always attractive to a modern person. To become a real man, many things are needed — the development of a masculine body, a warm and deep soul, a strong mind and masculine spirit, as well as attitudes, beliefs and manners that correspond to male culture. See where the normal men have gone
What is male culture and male psychology?
A man lives by reason, not by feelings and emotions. We think over and solve difficult issues, but we don’t worry, we don’t complain, we don’t postpone for …
A man is demanding, and first of all to himself. He knows what debt is and «must» and the sooner the better. Optimally — from the age of three, from the moment you realize yourself as a person. You can make mistakes, correct your mistakes, and at your own expense.
A man is the one who makes decisions and who is responsible for his decisions. If a woman is forced to answer for the decisions of a man, this is not a man, but a sissy, a man. If a man is responsible for the decisions that a woman made for him, this is not a man, but a henpecked man.
A man knows his manly duties. Man’s honor: to honor the law, to protect relatives and homeland. The man is a protector. A man protects loved ones and what is dear to him. In any case, he lives not only for himself. A man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son.
A man has his way and his business. At least a man knows how to work and is not afraid of work.
A man feels fulfilled and is able to focus on relationships with a woman if he has figured out the three most important questions for him: who he is, what he does and how much he earns.
Men do not cry. The belief «Men don’t cry» is an essential part of a man’s upbringing. Crying in and of itself is neither embarrassing nor harmful. It is good to cry with joy, you can cry at a funeral, where it is appropriate and accepted. But in other situations where children and women may cry, men do not. Men do not cry, because for them it is usually meaningless, and in order to remain men, that is, strong and reasonable people.
Men are not afraid. The fact that men are not afraid is not a fact, it is a standard of male culture. Fear as a physiological reaction of the body can someday happen in every person (albeit to varying degrees), but a boy brought up as a man must do what he must, and not pay attention to his fears, all the more not be guided by them.
Men’s entertainment is to fight and grab something. With all due respect to men, it seems that this value is not of the highest order, and being only a man is not yet the pinnacle of personal development. One of the meanings of a man’s life is occupation, the seizure of more territory and power over it.
Note that at different times and in different cultures, the image of a real man could be very different and not always attractive to a modern person. However, how to achieve the best of this list? What is the upbringing of a real man?
It’s easier to write what would be a mistake. When a boy is seen as small and helpless, when he is pitied and protected, when the first thing they worry about is “no matter what happens to him” — under such conditions it is difficult for a boy to turn into a man. Perhaps he will simply rebel and turn into a man through the line of a bully, but this path is dangerous and undesirable. Most likely, a sweet no creature will grow up, possibly brought up, but without will and male determination, capable of feeling, but poorly able to set goals and act.
A real man is brought up only by a man, the father should be engaged in the male upbringing of a boy. The father will give examples of male behavior and will treat his son like a man. The father will not regret and sympathize, he will first of all demand, and even his support will be different: support is a challenge.
Male upbringing
One often hears from women the regret that today’s boys do not have enough male education, and as a result of the lack of male education, men do not manifest themselves in a manly way. This is a huge truth, but are we ourselves ready for such upbringing, including are women themselves ready to accept the difficult norms of male upbringing, upbringing like a man?
The main differences between male and female education, see →, and also see the articles Men, Men, MEN, How to raise a man. Article, website Real Men and Raising a Boy