The key to health in the future is a skillfully balanced diet of a child during school years.… Considering this fact, the doctors announced the menu for children during the cold season, thanks to which it is possible not only to strengthen the immune system of schoolchildren, but also to supply their body with the energy necessary to maintain heat.
According to doctors, children should eat 5-6 times a day. Their diet must include dishes with animal fats and proteins. The doctors ranked sea fish, eggs, meat, cheese, nuts and cottage cheese, vegetable and butter, all types of cereals and vegetables, grain bread, olive oil, and fruits in dried and fresh forms among the top-important products for children. In the morning, before leaving for school, doctors advise feeding children with whole grain porridge, cottage cheese, nuts and dried fruits. After class – give preference to beans, fish, meat and salads. And before going to bed – fermented milk product. In sausages, baked goods, fried and pickled products, doctors say, there are no substances necessary for development. Therefore, they should not be in the student’s diet. As well as heavy, fatty food before bedtime, which does not allow the child to sleep peacefully.