A quiz about elements and minerals. The question of vitamin D is one of the more difficult questions!

They are necessary for the proper functioning of all systems of our body. How much do you know about macro- and micronutrients and vitamins? Test yourself in our quiz!

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1. Which products are the best sources of carotene?

Red and green vegetables
Red and orange vegetables Next question
Beta-carotene is a provitamin of vitamin A, which is necessary, among other things, for the proper functioning of the organ of vision. Red and orange vegetables, as well as parsley, spinach and sweet potatoes are rich sources of this substance.
Photo: Shutterstock

2. Goiter, or enlargement of the thyroid gland, may be a symptom of a deficiency:

vitamin C.
jodu Next question
Iodine deficiency can disrupt the thyroid gland. To prevent these deficiencies, in many countries, including Poland, iodine is added to table salt.
Photo: Shutterstock

3. The sources of this vitamin are animal offal, egg yolks and fish. It’s about the vitamin:

B12 Next question
Vitamin B12 is found primarily in animal products – that’s why people on a vegan diet often supplement it.

4. What disease can be caused by a vitamin D deficiency?

Choroba Hashimoto
Rickets Next question
Rickets can be caused by a lack of vitamin D in the food or too little exposure to sunlight.

5. Which vitamin can our body produce on its own under appropriate conditions?

None – we have to get all the vitamins from the outside
All B vitamins
Vitamin D
Vitamin D Next question
D group vitamins, i.e. calciferols, are formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Deficiency of this vitamin may appear in winter, when we are less likely to be exposed to the sun’s rays.
Photo: Shutterstock

6. The disease called scurvy manifests itself, inter alia, in tooth loss, bleeding, general weakness. To alleviate its symptoms, you should consume:

animal nuts and fats
fresh fruit and vegetables
vegetable oils
fresh fruit and vegetables Next question
Scurvy was known as a sailor’s disease – fresh vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamin C, were usually lacking in their diets.
Photo: Shutterstock

7. Which elements give stiffness and hardness to bones?

Photo: Shutterstock
Calcium and phosphorus
Potassium and silicon
Fluorine, calcium and sodium
Calcium and phosphorus Next question
The inorganic components of bones are primarily calcium carbonate and phosphate, and magnesium phosphate.

8. Tremors and muscle spasms are a common symptom of deficiency:

vitamin A.
magnesium Next question
Magnesium is needed for the proper functioning of the muscles and nervous system. Its deficiency may result in, among other things, arrhythmia, dizziness, and restless legs syndrome.

9. The presence of this element gives the blood a red color. This of course:

Photo: Shutterstock
iron Next question
Hemoglobin is a red pigment found in the blood of animals; iron is also present in muscles, bone marrow, enzymes and blood proteins.

10. This substance is crucial during pregnancy as it influences the proper development of the fetal nervous system. It is about:

Photo: Shutterstock
vitamin D.
Folic acid
Folic acid Next question
Folic acid is also called vitamin PP or niacin. Its correct level during pregnancy prevents neural tube defects in the fetus.

11. The term “vitamin” was coined in 1912 by a biochemist of Polish origin. The same researcher isolated the first vitamin. What was his name?

Tytus Chałubiński
Robert Koch
Kazimierz Funk
Kazimierz Funk Next question
Funk isolated the first vitamin from rice bran – it was called B1. He conducted research on the effects of vitamin deficiency and made attempts to isolate insulin.

12. Table salt is an easily accessible source of:

punishment Next question
The daily requirement for sodium is about 2000 mg – which is about the same as in a flat teaspoon of salt. In highly developed countries, the consumption of this element is usually higher, which contributes, among others, to for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

13. Is vitamin A fat-soluble?

Roof Next question
Vitamins A, D, E and K dissolve in fats. Therefore, when preparing a red vegetable salad, it is worth adding a little oil to it to improve the absorption of vitamins.

The micronutrients do not include:

sulfur Next question
Sulfur is a macronutrient – which means that the requirement for this element is higher than 100 mg per day.

This element, marked with the letter K, is necessary in the human body for the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, its deficiency can cause muscle relaxation and some heart diseases. It is about:

potassium Next question
Low potassium levels can occur as a result of diarrhea, an overly restrictive diet or the use of diuretics. A valuable source of this element are, among others apricots, potatoes, and spinach.
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