A pregnant woman died after a caesarean section. “Great tragedy”, a storm online

On April 27, a 40-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the obstetrics and gynecology ward of the Kalisz hospital. After Caesarean section surgery, the patient died. The circumstances of the woman’s death are explained by the Łódź prosecutor’s office. – This is a great, unimaginable tragedy – says the spokesman of the hospital, emphasizing that the staff of the ward is very interested in explaining its cause. On social media, however, the case caused a storm.

  1. A 40-year-old pregnant woman died after a caesarean section in a hospital in Kalisz. The baby is in good condition
  2. The circumstances of the woman’s death are being investigated by the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Łódź
  3. A spokesman for the hospital in Kalisz emphasizes that the staff is very upset by the whole situation and is very interested in explaining the reasons
  4. After the incident, the Fakty Kaliskie Facebook page was in turmoil
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

“A great, unimaginable tragedy”. The prosecutor’s office is investigating the death of a pregnant woman

On May 1, the spokesman of the District Prosecutor’s Office in Ostrów Wielkopolski, prosecutor Maciej Meler, announced that the case of a 40-year-old pregnant woman who died after a cesarean section in a hospital in Kalisz was taken over by the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Łódź. As he explained, the documents and evidence in the case were secured by the District Prosecutor’s Office in Kalisz. On Friday, an autopsy was carried out “which will make it possible to establish the mechanism of the woman’s cause of death”.

The misfortune occurred on Tuesday, April 27. At the obstetrics and gynecology ward of the hospital at ul. Toruńska in Kalisz was visited by a 40-year-old pregnant woman who was undergoing a caesarean section. The patient died during the operation. According to the website faktykaliskie.pl, the child is in good condition, under the care of the father. The hospital notified the prosecutor’s office about the woman’s death.

The spokesman of the Kalisz hospital, Paweł Gawroński, emphasizes that the staff is very upset by the whole situation and the employees of the ward are very anxious to explain the cause. – This is a great, unimaginable tragedy. The young dad became a widower – said Gawroński. The hospital’s spokesman ensures that the child’s father is treated on a special basis. – Despite covid restrictions, he can enter the ward and watch over the child whenever he wants. Midwives support you in caring for your newborn baby. A psychologist can help.

Member of the board of the Greater Poland Voivodeship, Paulina Stochnieńek, who supervises the health service on behalf of the Marshal’s Office in Poznań, added that psychological care was also provided to the newborn’s siblings. – I know that the hospital also launched a fundraiser for the purchase of necessary things for the newborn to relieve the father financially – said Stochnastek. She emphasized that everyone was waiting impatiently for the prosecution to clarify the matter.

A storm in social media – opinions on the Kalisz delivery room

After the incident, the facebook page of Fakty kaliskie pl. More than 200 comments about the Kalisz delivery room appeared under the article.

«I hope the investigation will be thorough and very, very thorough; in the end, they will be responsible so that no woman should fear for her life anymore! Compassion for the family. A lot of strength and love for the baby! (…) »Wrote one of the women.

“How many people, so many opinions” – commented another Internet user. «Inadequate staff gets everywhere. I gave birth twice and now I am also under caesarean section in Kalisz; I can’t say a bad word, the service was impeccable. Everyone has an opinion ».

«Without knowing the situation, let us not judge too hastily. I have three children with cc in this hospital and also stays in gynecology. It was different (…) But I cannot say a bad word about the people who work there. I have always been met with kindness and there has never been any neglect. A caesarean section is a serious procedure. How many statistically result in death? Each death is a personal tragedy, but such cases also happen and it can be influenced by a thousand factors … Let’s not judge »- another lady points out.

PAP / Ewa Bąkowska / faktykaliskie.pl

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