A poured face can mean problems with the thyroid gland, kidneys, and hormones

If you wake up with a swollen face, most likely the cause of your ailments is quite mundane. Excess water accumulated in the body due to improper diet, fluctuations in hormones before menstruation or due to pregnancy, or an allergic reaction are the most common reasons why the face becomes poured. However, there are serious diseases that can manifest in this way. If the swelling persists or there are other symptoms, don’t underestimate them.

  1. Swelling of the face is usually a mild symptom caused by a prosaic cause
  2. In some cases, a poured face can be a harbinger of serious health problems
  3. Very often, swelling on the face occurs in the course of kidney diseases, thyroid gland or infections
  4. Puffiness on the face can also signify medical conditions that are hazardous to health and life. Not underestimate them
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Swelling of the face can very often extend to the neck and throat. If you have not suffered any injury, it is worth consulting a doctor and looking for the cause of such ailments. Swelling in the face can be an important warning signal from the body. The cause may be disturbances in the functioning of certain organs, hormonal disorders, tooth infection, and even sudden, serious conditions that threaten health. Why is this happening and what can it mean for your health? puffiness?

14 of the most common causes of facial swelling

1. Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eye caused by an allergic reaction. Symptoms include redness, itching, tearing, swelling and burning of the eyes and the surrounding area.

Further part below the video.

2. Nephrotic syndrome

A swollen and poured face may be a symptom of kidney disease, including nephrotic syndrome. Edema arises as a result of glomerular insufficiency. During the filtration of the blood, plasma proteins are lost as a result of kidney damage. In addition, excess sodium accumulates in the body, which results in swelling of fluid accumulated in the tissues. A characteristic symptom is eye swelling, usually swollen eyelids and swelling of the shin.

3. Hormonal disorders

The disruption of the body’s hormonal balance may be responsible for swelling on the face. Hormonal disorders related to the functioning of several organs are most often manifested by a poured and swollen face.

  1. Hypothyroidism – myxedema. The skin is cold and pale, most commonly the face and eyelids are swollen. It can also affect the hands and feet.
  2. Disorders of the adrenal glands – adrenal hormones are responsible for the electrolyte balance. Functional disturbances can lead to sodium retention in the body and, consequently, water retention in the tissues and edema.

If you want to take care of your thyroid and support its proper functioning, reach for Daily Thyro ° thyroid – a smart supplement that you can order on Medonet Market.

You can buy the hormonal test package for women HERE.

4. Hormone therapy

A swollen face can also be caused by the use of certain hormonal medications, such as hormonal contraceptives and glucocorticosteroids.

5. Cellulitis

Cellulitis is a serious medical condition that requires medical attention. Inflammation occurs as a result of the action of bacteria or fungi on the wound – cracking or cutting the skin. In addition to edema, there are other symptoms:

  1. redness and soreness
  2. oozing from the wound may occur,
  3. fever,
  4. chills,
  5. red streaks like a rash.

6. Swelling before menstruation

Some women experience generalized water retention problems before menstrual bleeding. This is due to the action of hormones. High levels of progesterone before menstruation promote water retention in the body. In addition to the face, swelling can also occur in other parts of the body.

Do you have problems with excess water in your body? Try a special herbal blend to help get rid of water swelling.

7. Rose

One of the most common causes of facial edema is bacterial infections. The skin is red, warm and taut. In the course of erysipelas, there are systemic symptoms such as fever, chills, weakness.

8. Excess salt in the diet

One of the simplest and most common causes of facial swelling is excess salt, i.e. too much sodium in the body. Puffiness also appears on the hands and feet.

9. Drug allergy

Drug allergy can be a dangerous condition for health and even life if the allergic reaction is rapid. Swelling and rash are the most common symptoms in a mild course. Interestingly, a mild, itchy rash may appear days or weeks after taking the drug. Severe allergic reactions to medications can be life-threatening and symptoms include hives, a fast heartbeat, swelling, itching, and difficulty breathing. Other symptoms include fever, upset stomach, and tiny purple or red dots on the skin.

10. Angioedema (Angioedema)

Angiodema is a form of severe swelling beneath the skin’s surface. It may be accompanied by hives and itching. Most often it is an allergic reaction to food or medications. Angioedema can also present with other symptoms: stomach cramps, discoloration, or a rash on the hands, arms and feet.

11. Actinomycosis

Actinomycosis is a long-term bacterial infection that causes wounds or abscesses to form in the body’s soft tissues. It may be for several reasons. Tooth infections and injuries to the face or mouth can cause bacterial infections in the face or in the gut. Most often, red or bluish areas appear under the skin, indicating blockages. An abscess occurs along with edema. Over time, the lesion fills with yellow or white content.

12. Eye infection

Another cause of facial swelling can be eye and sockets infections. Bacterial infections or blockage of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid cause most of the characteristic lumps and lumps that form on the eyelids. They usually occur along the lash line. Other possible symptoms include red, watery eyes, a feeling of sand in the eye, and sensitivity to light.

13. Inflammation of the sinuses

Sinusitis is a condition caused by inflammation or infection of the nasal passages and sinuses. This disease can lead to swelling in the face. Inflammation of the sinuses can have different causes. Most often it is caused by viral or bacterial infections or a reaction to allergens. Other symptoms that can coexist with edema are: decreased sense of smell, fever, stuffy nose, headache (due to high pressure), fatigue, sore throat, runny nose or cough.

14. Cushing’s syndrome

Cushing’s syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused by the production of too much cortisol. People with Cushing’s syndrome tend to have a swollen, round face. In the course of this disease, the skin is easily bruised and is characterized by profuse hair. Taking high doses of glucocorticosteroids is a common cause of Cushing’s syndrome. The disease can also appear as a result of disruption of cortisol production due to tumors arising in the brain.

Other causes of puffiness on the face

Swelling and puffiness on the face can occur in many other diseases and emergencies, but in most cases it is also accompanied by other, characteristic systemic symptoms.

Edema and so-called poured face appear in the case of:

  1. Anaphylaxis (anaphylactic shock)

It is a severe allergic reaction and a life-threatening condition. The reaction is violent. Other symptoms include hives, itching, swelling, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, fainting, increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

  1. Preeclampsia

This condition is considered a direct threat to health and life and requires urgent medical attention. Preeclampsia occurs in pregnancy when a woman has high blood pressure. It often occurs with proteinuria. Preeclampsia usually occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy (20 Hbd). It can lead to serious complications such as dangerously high blood pressure, seizures, kidney damage, liver damage, fluid in the lungs, and problems with blood clotting.

  1. Superior vena cava syndrome

Superior vena cava syndrome is a serious disease that can cause swelling and discoloration of the face and neck. This disease is caused by obstruction of the superior vena cava. The cause may be related to the course of certain neoplastic diseases (pressure of the tumor in the chest) and diseases such as tuberculosis and swelling of the thyroid gland. Other symptoms of superior vena cava syndromes: shortness of breath, cough, difficulty swallowing, headaches, dizziness.

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