The well-known and liked doctor Bartosz Fiałek, who is so eager to share his medical knowledge on social networks, has a coronavirus. He has just published the COVID-19 guide – what to do when I get sick on his Facebook profile.
The doctor also lists ailments with which we should seek medical help without undue delay. As he explains, the alarming symptoms are primarily:
- Doctor Bartosz Fiałek fell ill with COVID-19, about which he informed the observers of his Facebook profile. He also decided to share advice on treating COVID-19
- In the entry, he lists symptoms that should prompt immediate contact with a doctor. Among them, a fever that does not respond to standard medications or shortness of breath
- It also tells you how to treat mild COVID-19 at home. »No supplements, including vitamins A, B, C, D3, E, zinc, beetroot lyophilisate, magnesium, etc. ARE NOT recommended in the treatment of COVID-19 ″ – he explains
- “Neither amantadine nor hydrogen peroxide have proven efficacy, nor a proven safety profile in the treatment of COVID-19,” writes Bartosz Fiałek. So what does he recommend?
- You can find more such articles on the TvoiLokony home page
Bow. Bartosz Fiałek is a specialist in the field of rheumatology and – as he says of himself – a social activist in the field of health protection. He is an active user of social networking sites where he often and willingly shares medical recommendations and comments on the realities of the Polish health care system.
A few days ago, the doctor informed via his Facebook profile that he had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. He also shares information about the course of the disease and his health with observers.
Now he has decided to prepare a guide with the principles of COVID-19 treatment at home.
“Due to the many non-medical observers of this site and their numerous questions regarding the procedure after the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection, I have prepared a short and understandable (hence not always purely medical nomenclature) guide” – we read in a post published on Facebook.
As Bartosz Fiałek explains, COVID-19 is still an unknown disease, against which there is neither effective vaccination nor causal treatment, which are the most important weapons in the fight against an infectious disease.
As he explains, about 80 percent. infections with the new coronavirus is asymptomatic or mildly, i.e. mildly.
- Your doctor advises you on how to treat COVID-19 at home
Intensive therapies not for home treatment
“Approx. 20 percent infections with the new coronavirus are medium, medium-heavy, severe and critical – these cases should be treated in a hospital, hence ventilator therapy or drugs such as: glucocorticosteroids (dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, prednisone, methylprednisolone), remdesivir, tocilizumab, low molecular weight plasma heparins, antibiotics and other intensive therapies supporting treatment SHOULD NOT be of interest to you who are treating at home, »writes Fiałek.
These COVID-19 symptoms should be alarming
The doctor also lists ailments with which we should seek medical help without undue delay. As he explains, the alarming symptoms are primarily:
«1. Dyspnoea, which is a subjective feeling of lack of air or difficulty breathing.
2. Persistent chest pain.
3. Fever that does not respond to standard antipyretic drugs, ie does not disappear after taking them.
4. Cyanosis, may be an expression of reduced saturation, ie the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen (especially blue lips, blue face).
5. Inability to maintain wakefulness and other neurological disorders, such as speech, muscle strength or vision disorders ».
Bow. Bartosz Fiałek also lists the symptoms that accompany the mild form of the COVID-19 disease.
«The mild course of infection with the new coronavirus is clinically manifested in a similar way to infection with other virus species that cause respiratory tract infections – we may have increased body temperature / fever, weakness, fatigue, runny nose (rare), cough (dry / productive), loss of smell and taste , myalgia (muscle pain), arthralgia (joint pain), headache, ocular pain in the eye, conjunctivitis, gastric disorders (nausea / vomiting).
At the moment, the only drug approved by the FDA (USA) for the treatment of COVID-19 is remdesivir (in hospitalized patients after the age of 12) »- explains the doctor.
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How (and what) to treat COVID-19 at home?
Doctor Fiałek also has a number of valuable advice for people who undergo COVID-19 gently and heal themselves, at home. Here they are:
«1. No supplements, including vitamins A, B, C, D3, E, zinc, beetroot lyophilisate, magnesium etc are recommended for the treatment of COVID-19. Vitamin D3 is the closest to this, but no recommendations have yet been made, based on scientific evidence. I will write from my practice (and I treat vitamin D3 deficiencies and supplement vitamin D3 with calcium, even in the case of osteoporosis) that taking high doses of vitamin D3 on your own can be very dangerous. It is not easy to adjust the appropriate dose, and failure to rule out contraindications before starting treatment may result in a health risk.
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2. In case of pain and / or fever, we use painkillers / antipyretics – acetaminophen, i.e. paracetamol, ibuprofen, or metamizole, i.e. pyralgine – if we are not allergic and in the doses specified in the package leaflet.
3. In the case of cough, we can use appropriate (blocking the cough reflex in the case of dry cough / expectorant in the case of a productive cough – remember the time of the day; not in the evening!) Antitussive syrup.
4. We rest a lot, including a healthy, adequately long sleep.
5. Appropriate diet, eg Mediterranean.
6. We consume a large amount of fluids: 2,5-3 liters / day, unless there are contraindications (eg chronic heart failure, end-stage renal failure treated with dialysis).
7. We frequently air the rooms in which we are staying ».
A doctor who is currently suffering from COVID-19 himself also encourages his observers to print out alarm symptoms and home treatment rules so that they always have them in stock.
«Currently, there are NO reasons to otherwise, and above all safely, treat mild COVID-19 at home (and neither amantadine nor hydrogen peroxide have proven efficacy or proven safety profile in the treatment of COVID-19) .
- A doctor from Przemyśl caused a storm by writing that COVID-19 can be cured in 48 hours. What do we know about this drug?
So, as long as you do not develop alarming symptoms in the course of infection with the new coronavirus, continue to treat yourself in accordance with the above guide ».
So we use the suggestions of a popular doctor and provide guidance to our readers. And we wish doctor Fiałek a quick recovery!
Read also:
- Almost 900 deaths a day? Three scenarios for the development of the epidemic in Poland
- The number of infections is declining? Doctor: this is an illusion of improvement
- Which masks are most effective at blocking the virus? The CDC is revising its recommendations
- How much vitamin C to take to improve immunity and protect against COVID-19
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