A popular disinfectant drug effective in the fight against SARS-CoV-2. Experts confirm
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It cannot be denied that the whole world is currently facing one of the greatest pandemics in the history of mankind. Its health and economic consequences may be felt for many years to come. To date, almost 52 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported worldwide, of which approximately 1,3 million people have died. These numbers are constantly growing.

So far, no research group has been able to develop an effective drug that could prevent or significantly reduce the effects of infection. The results of the latest clinical trials show that the component of the popular disinfectant – octenisept is extremely effective in the fight against the virus that causes SARS-CoV-2. How does it work? Will the drug be made available to the public?

Octenidine and COVID-19

According to the current state of knowledge, the virus responsible for the development of SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted primarily by droplets and aerosols. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that the spread of the virus in the first weeks of infection (regardless of whether the disease is asymptomatic or not) is very high.

Reducing the titer (and therefore multiplication) of the virus in the oral cavity and nasal mucosa would reduce the extent of its spread and hence the number of infections in the population. With this in mind, German scientists have attempted to thoroughly test products that contain antimicrobial substances. Everything was carried out in accordance with the EN 14476 standard (used to assess the virucidal activity of products used in the medical field). The goal was to achieve a minimum reduction of the virus of 4log10.

Three products were tested:

  1. 0,1% chlorhexidine
  2. 0,2% chlorhexidine
  3. 0,1% octenidine + 2% phenoxyethanol (trade name Octenisept)

This test was carried out in 15 seconds to 10 minutes under organic load conditions (0,3% BSA) at concentrations of 20% and 80%. Out of all 3 tested products, only Octenisept is available on the Polish market.

The concentration of chlorhexidine at the level of 0,1% and 0,2% lowered the viral load by one log level only after 5 to 10 minutes. Only Octenisept (in both concentrations) killed 99,99% of the virus, just 15 seconds after application. Moreover, no toxic effects on living cells were observed.

You can dispel any doubts related to the use of Octanisept during quick teleportation.

Octenisept effective in the fight against coronavirus

Octenisept is a Schülke drug used to disinfect wounds and mucous membranes, including the oral cavity. The results of in vitro studies showing that Octenisept significantly reduces the amount of coronavirus, may be of great importance in effectively limiting the spread of the pathogen by droplets.

The second phase of clinical trials is currently underway in people infected with the coronavirus. Researchers are wondering whether the combination of octenidine and phenoxyethanol will reduce the symptoms of the disease. There are indications that Octenisept may reduce coughing, the likelihood of pneumonia, and some neurological symptoms including loss of smell and taste.

It is also worth noting that the research conducted by German scientists has been positively assessed by the ethics committee of the Hamburg Medical Association and is supervised and conducted in cooperation with the Clinical Trial Center North (CTC North GMBH & Co. KG).

How is Octenisept used?

Octenisept is applied both topically (using a cotton swab or gauze soaked with liquid) and orally in undiluted form (20 ml). The mouth should be rinsed for 20 seconds.

Octenisept is available at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Expert opinions

Reducing the number of viral particles that are exhaled or released during a conversation, or the patient coughs, can reduce the spread of the virus. American guidelines already recommend rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic before each dental or ENT examination to reduce the risk of virus transmission. I can see several options for protecting both patients and medical staff.

It is worth using rinses with octenidine (Octenisept, Octenident) before visiting patients in clinics or dental and ENT offices. Medical personnel infected with the coronavirus have now been released from quarantine. Therefore, I believe that rinsing the mouth and brushing the front nostrils will reduce the number of SARS-CoV-2 virus in medical staff and the possibility of its transmission to patients. Due to the antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties of octenidine, it is worth using it at the first symptoms of infection, regardless of whether we have the flu, cold or SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Such action may have an impact on the relief of local symptoms in the throat, palate or tonsils. In addition, medical procedures should also include rinsing the mouth of patients in intensive care units and patients who are to be intubated. During intubation, bacteria and fungi in the oral cavity may enter the respiratory system deeper and cause bacterial pneumonia or mycosis of the lungs.

Currently, mycoses of the lungs is one of the causes of death in COVID-19 patients requiring the use of a ventilator. In studies conducted in our Department, we have shown that octenidine is very effective in the fight against various types of fungi and works within one minute “- says Professor Tomasz M. Karpiński, head of the Chair and Department of Medical Microbiology, Medical University of K. Marcinkowski in Poznań.

A similar opinion is shared by Dr. Agnieszka Mączyńska, MD, Vice President of the Association of Hospital Epidemiology:

There are more and more studies pointing to the importance of the throat and salivary glands as a site of viral replication and transmission in the early stages of COVID-19 disease, so I consider the latest research on Octenisept to be important in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 virus infections. We can definitely reduce the transmission of the virus, especially during dental examination and treatment, ENT or before surgery under general anesthesia with intubation.

The American Dental Association has published detailed guidelines for minimizing the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission during dental procedures. It is recommended that the patient rinses his mouth with a rinse aid effective against viruses before dental surgery. The research results on Octenisept are also important because it was compared to chlorhexidine, showing that Octenisept is much more effective. This should help you choose the right mouthwash and therefore a very effective mouthwash. When the COVID-19 infection is manifested by a sore throat, using Octenisept to gargle the mouth and throat will help relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Dla kogo Octenisept?

Octenisept is a suitable agent used as an adjuvant in patients who test positive for SARS-CoV-2. In this way, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of infection of medical personnel, mainly dentists, employees of intensive care units and laryngologists having direct contact with the patient’s biological material.

It has been known from the beginning of the pandemic that disinfection is an important element in the fight against the coronavirus. That is why it is worth having with you an antibacterial hand gel with a content of 73 percent. alcohol.

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