A pill for a man: is it real?

It is mainly women who protect themselves against unplanned pregnancies – mainly because effective methods exist for them. This can change thanks to research on hormone-free pills for men, as well as on other methods that are directed to men.

  1. Many researchers around the world are conducting experiments to develop an effective method of male contraception
  2. Among them are, among others work on the non-hormonal contraceptive pill. Research in mice has proved successful, now it’s time to test if the pills are effective in men
  3. The authors of another study look at the effects of tryptonide, a natural substance produced by the Chinese herb of the genus Tripterygium Wilfordi
  4. One of the more controversial experiments is the one that uses biodegradable, magnetic nanoparticles that, when injected into the bloodstream, are directed to the nuclei with the help of a magnetic field.
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

According to research, the burden of contraception rests mainly on the shoulders of women. In addition to the side effects of frequently used methods, women also have to cope with the psychological burden of preventing pregnancy.

However, it makes no sense to condemn gentlemen by saying that they are not responsible or lazy. Just The choice of effective male contraceptive methods is extremely modest and includes condoms or is usually irreversible vasectomyabout which there are doubts in Poland as to whether it is legal. However, fertility specialists continue their efforts to expand the range of options for men.

Tablet without hormones

A team at the University of Minnesota has just presented promising results from a male birth control pill test in mice. “Scientists have been trying to develop an oral male contraceptive for decades, but there are still no approved pills on the market,” notes Dr. Abdullah Al Noman.

His team targets the alpha reninic acid receptor (RAR-α). It takes part in the formation of sperm. After examining 100 substances, scientists found one that specifically blocks this receptor. When male mice were given this substance (YCT529), the chances of pregnancy dropped by 99% with no apparent side effects. Four to six weeks after the drug was discontinued, the mice were able to reproduce normally.

These are the results of animal studies – those on humans are planned for the second or third quarter of this year. However, in case the results of these tests turn out to be unsatisfactory, they already analyze other, similar substances. They emphasize that their approach does not affect male hormones, which was usually associated with side effects, e.g. decreased libido.

“We wanted to develop a non-hormonal method of male contraception to avoid these adverse effects,” emphasizes Dr. Al Noman.

  1. Read also: There is a new idea for male contraception. Human testing soon

The rest of the text below the video.

An effective sperm must swim

Another non-hormonal approach was developed by specialists from the University of North Carolina. The molecule designated EP055 sticks to proteins on the surface of sperm and causes a dramatic reduction in their ability to move.

– Simply put, this molecule turns off the sperm swimming ability, which significantly reduces their fertilization potential – explains Prof. Michael O’Rand.

And she adds that this makes the EP055 an ideal candidate for a non-hormonal male contraceptive.

In a study with macaques, intravenous administration of EP055 caused the sperm to become inactive, and in animals, scientists found no side effects.

– 18 days after the infusion, all macaques returned to full fertility, which indicates that the effects of EP055 administration are completely reversible – emphasizes the co-author of the study, Dr. Mary Zelinski.

Researchers have already set up a company to bring the invention to the market and are working on an oral form of the drug. However, research is needed to check the safety and effectiveness of this method in humans.

The contraceptive herb

As it turns out, a similar effect to EP055 can be obtained with the help of tryptonide – a natural substance produced by the Chinese herb of the genus Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook F. One daily dose of this compound administered orally resulted in almost complete loss of movement in sperm cells, which led to practically 100%. infertility after 3-4 weeks of therapy in mice and 5-6 weeks in macaques.

Fertility returned 4-6 weeks after the end of therapy. Researchers did not note any apparent adverse effects during either short or long-term administration of the substance.

It is worth noting, however, that the systematic review of research on this plant administered in various indications, published in the pages of “Frontiers in Pharmacology” in 2019, shows that it is relatively highly toxic, especially when it is not administered with other drugs.

Biochemical studies indicate that tryptonide disrupts the last stage of sperm production, causing them to lose their ability to move. It can be extracted from the herb itself and can be made into a synthetic version.

Safe hormones

There is also a chance for a safe male hormone pill. Advanced work on such a measure is carried out by scientists from the Los Angeles Biomed Research Institute. Therapy is based on orally ingested modified testosterone. 11-beta-methyl-19-nortestosterone-17-beta-dodecylcarbonate (CDB-4754) has both male and female progesterone effects. Thanks to this, it has a specific effect.

– Our results show that this pill, which shows two hormonal activities simultaneously, lowers sperm production and maintains libido – says Prof. Christina Wang, co-author of the idea.

According to the researchers, the substance works in such a way that it mimics testosterone throughout the body, but in the testes it does not reach a concentration high enough to stimulate sperm production.

In preliminary studies involving 40 men, the volunteers’ testosterone levels dropped to levels typical of deficiencies, but they did not report any serious side effects. Six of the study participants developed symptoms such as fatigue, acne or headache. Five men reported a slight decrease in libido, two – mild erectile dysfunction. However, sexual activity did not change.

  1. See also: Men think it is too small and not working properly. What does the urologist say?

None of the test participants stopped taking the drug due to side effects. Researchers hope that safe and effective male hormonal contraception should be available within a decade. Further research is necessary, including with many more participants.

Magnetic contraception

In addition to pharmaceuticals, other methods are being tested. Some seem quite unusual.

For example, last year, a Chinese team unveiled a long-term, magnet-based contraceptive method. Researchers use biodegradable, magnetic nanoparticles that, when injected into the bloodstream, are directed to the nuclei with the help of a magnetic field. Then, for 15 minutes, they are subjected to an unchangeable magnetic field, which leads to an increase in the temperature in the testes and a temporary shutdown of fertility.

The mice subjected to this procedure could not produce offspring for seven days after surgery, and then returned to full fitness for 30-60 days. According to the researchers, the particles are non-toxic and the body will excrete them over time. However, will many men like this method? Scientists report a temporary reduction of the testicles, which probably may deter many men.

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Gel in the vas deferens

On the other hand, a large group of men decide to undergo vasectomy, which most often results in permanent infertility. However, this major drawback of this method can be overcome. Several similar ways of making this possible are currently being investigated. The oldest approach invented in India is called RISUG (ang. reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance – reversible, targeted blockage of sperm).

The idea was born in the 70s, but is only now undergoing advanced clinical trials. In this method a special polymer is injected into the vas deferens, which settles on the walls and damages the flowing sperm. It is supposed to work for many years, but according to the creators the procedure is fully reversible. However, the research is still to be completed.

Vasalgel, developed in the USA, works similarly. In this case, the gel injected into the vas deferens does not destroy the sperm but blocks them in the vas deferens. The effectiveness of this method has already been demonstrated, incl. on primates, but tests indicated problems with fertility restoration.

Recently, a Chinese team from the University of Nanchang described yet another mode of action on sperm in the vas deferens. There are four adjacent layers of different substances by injection. Such a barrier simultaneously blocks and inactivates sperm, and the duration of protection against pregnancy, from two to 20 weeks, is regulated by the proportions of the gel components. Moreover, it can be quickly dissolved at any time with the help of a short heating with infrared rays, thus restoring fertility.

  1. How to calculate fertile and infertile days? Check out our calculator!

Therefore, there are a lot of ideas, and thanks to research new knowledge is gained every year. So there is a chance that thanks to these efforts, in the near future, some of the responsibility for contraception will fall on the so-called uglier sex.

Author: Marek Matacz for Zdrowie.pap.pl

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