A phone call in a dream or an incident in life

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, there are dreams that a person remembers for a long time. An amusing incident is connected with one of these dreams of mine – a telephone call in a dream.

Once I had a dream during which a man’s voice repeats several times: “Call 648518”. Clearly, six numbers were named several times.

Waking up in the morning, I wrote down the named number in a notebook. Just in case, I asked the telephone directory what the number was. It turned out that it belongs to a subscriber, a certain lady N.

Phone call

For several days I wondered whether to call or not. What will I say to the phone? Will they understand correctly? And with the inner question: “What am I losing?”, I decided. You can then regret not calling and curiosity, I confess, worried.

The time of day was 16.00. I’m calling. I was answered by a friendly and cheerful voice of a girl, to whom I explained the reason for the call, asking me to understand correctly and not consider abnormal. And they understood me!

It turned out that I called the apartment of citizen N., who was celebrating her anniversary – CENTURY! Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren gathered at a large family table. Many relatives came to the celebration from different cities, this was explained by the granddaughter of the hero of the day, who spoke to me.

God, how great everything is! – I was glad for these people. It is surprising that it was decided to gather at the family table at 16.00 pm.

After this call, my soul became light and calm. I remember this incident for a long time. Here is such an unusual story. There is something in this …

Scientific explanation

Dreams are the greatest mystery of nature, which scientists have been struggling to solve for centuries.

The sleeping person’s brain decides what information needs to be remembered and what information can be “thrown away”. Seeks connections between different information, weighing the value of the experience gained. The brain moves a mass of data through a huge “card index”, establishing a relationship between them.

Sometimes dreams predict a situation that will happen in the future. In many cases, they become a warning about the need to prepare for new circumstances or news.

If we do not consider that our life is a given program, where everything is predicted in advance, we can assume that this sign predicts events and allows the possibility of correcting the situation.

Prophetic dreams are a very rare and exceptional phenomenon. More often than not, we all simply adjust what we saw in a dream to the events of reality that happened later. And if similar events have not happened, we simply forget this dream and no longer consider it prophetic.

There are different views on this phenomenon in psychology. Some directions are of the opinion that dreams are a reflection of the dreamer’s experiences. Accordingly, all the dreamed events are the processing of a person’s daytime impressions, his feelings, anxieties, desires.

Thus, some of us can feel connections with other people, dream about events. Even, rather, the harbingers of events occurring with other people and even other peoples or countries.

Friends, share your experiences in life in the comments to the article “A phone call in a dream”. Share the article with your friends on social networks. 🙂 Thank you!

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