A pharmacist from Kharkiv survived the bombing. Works despite severe facial injuries

Our Country’s invasion of Ukraine has been going on for a month. Kharkiv is among the cities that suffered the most in the war. Nina lives and works there, who suffered extensive injuries during the bombing, incl. face. The woman underwent long-term treatment, but still works because pharmacies have to work and help those in need.

  1. s bomb entire cities, including civilian facilities. Among them are medical facilities and pharmacies
  2. One of these attacks resulted in injuries to Nina, an employee of one of the pharmacies in Kharkiv
  3. The Ukrainian pharmacist decided to make her image public to show what the inhabitants of the cities attacked by Our Country have to deal with
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage
  5. What’s going on in Ukraine? Follow the broadcast live

Kharkiv is constantly under fire

Kharkiv is one of the places most affected by war in Ukraine. It is the second most populous city in the country, located near the border with Our Country. Since the beginning of the invasion, the s have been carrying out regular attacks on city facilities, including places gathering civilians, e.g. residential buildings, squares (eg Wolności Square, one of the largest city squares in the world), hospitals or pharmacies.

Dozens of civilians died and hundreds were wounded as a result of the shelling and bombing.

The rest of the text below the video.

Injured pharmacist from Kharkiv

Among them was Nina, who suffered from the bombing of one of the districts of Kharkiv. At that time, the woman was in the pharmacy where she works. As a result of the attack, she suffered extensive injuries, including burns to her face.

Nina had to undergo difficult treatment, but the traces of the tragedy on her face are still visible. The pharmacist decided to show her wounds others via social media. In this way, he wants to show the world what is happening in Ukraine and what the citizens of this country are exposed to every day.

The photo of the Ukrainian woman on his social media accounts was published, among others, by Yurii Makhotin, photographer. – The world should know the conditions under which pharmacists work in Kharkiv pharmacies. They risk their lives to help others – he wrote in the body of the post.

– Nina agreed to show her face (…) so that the world would know the truth. She will need a very long treatment – added Artur Charytonow, chairman of the Liberal-Democratic League of Ukraine, who made available a photo of a woman.

Nina has not evacuated from the city and is not going to leave Ukraine. He wants to serve the needy as long as possible.

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