A parasite that can attack anyone. These symptoms indicate that you have a tapeworm

It may be asymptomatic for years. Sometimes patients are treated for other conditions because tapeworms are only detected by one test. The symptoms depend on the type of parasite and where it is located. First of all, we must remain vigilant and not miss the symptoms that may signal the presence of this “stowaway” in our body.

  1. It is not at all easy to discover that a tapeworm has established itself in the body
  2. The main symptoms of its presence are not characteristic – they are abdominal pain or diarrhea, which can also be associated with many other diseases
  3. The situation changes radically when the parasite larvae appear. These travel throughout the body causing severe ailments
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Tapeworm – how to recognize a parasitic disease?

Digestive parasites are a health problem that can be difficult to recognize. The most difficult to diagnose the diagnostic process are, first of all, not very characteristic symptoms. In many cases, they can be confused with other digestive tract disorders and with fatigue. In the case of a tapeworm, the nature of the symptoms depends on the location of the parasite, especially its larvae.

Tapeworm life cycles are complex and usually involve several hosts. This means that the parasite enters the human body through other organisms. You can catch tapeworm by eating raw or undercooked meat. Main source of tapeworm eggs and larvae there is pork and beef, but also raw fish. Therefore, lovers of tartare and sushi should take into account the risk of tapeworm appearance in the digestive tract.

A faecal parasite test should be performed to detect or rule out tapeworms. After a referral for such a test, we should go to the doctor. If there is such a possibility, it is also worth examining the tapeworm fragments, which will allow you to accurately determine its type.

Symptoms that indicate the presence of a tapeworm in the body

Adult character armed tapeworm it lives in the digestive tract, causing nausea, diarrhea and severe abdominal pain. Pain is of a specific nature – it is short and sudden. Such symptoms are caused by the parasite when changing its location. The armed tapeworm uses special hooks with which it clings to other parts of the body.

The symptoms of tapeworms become more varied as the larvae of this parasite spread. They can travel in the blood to other areas of the body, including the brain and eyes. The presence of a tapeworm in the brain causes epilepsy-like symptoms that the doctor may associate with a brain tumor in the diagnostic process. If the parasite settles in the eyeball, there is a possibility of visual disturbances and even eye distortions or blindness.

The following symptoms may also indicate the presence of a tapeworm in the body:

  1. constipation;
  2. weakness;
  3. apathy;
  4. anemia;
  5. rapid weight loss;
  6. headaches;
  7. emotional disorders;
  8. problems with memory.

The main reasons for carrying out diagnostics for the presence of a tapeworm in the body is the presence of at least some of the symptoms listed above. Eating habits are also important. People who eat meat are the most exposed to tapeworm disease. However, it should be remembered that infection with the parasite can also be caused by insufficient hand hygiene in the event of previous contact with the parasite’s eggs. It may also happen that the food we eat has previously been in contact with infected meat.

See also:

  1. Marcin was treated by 10 doctors for 12 years. Nobody knew what was wrong with him
  2. How to boost your metabolism? Here are ways to lose weight faster
  3. Seven diseases that we can catch from cats

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