A nuisance of future mothers. How to deal with constipation during pregnancy?
A nuisance of future mothers. How to deal with constipation during pregnancy?A nuisance of future mothers. How to deal with constipation during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, this ailment affects most pregnant women. Constipation is nothing dangerous, but it can cause some anxiety. They usually appear in the second and third trimesters, which is related to hormonal changes. Where does this problem come from and can it be fixed?

According to statistics, this happens to every second expectant mother. Elevated levels of progesterone cause the hormonal balance to be disturbed, as a result of which the work of the intestines is slowed down. In addition, constipation is caused by changes in the abdominal cavity – the uterus increases in volume, and therefore presses on the internal organs, including the intestines. bowels. That’s why their content moves slower. Moreover, if the fecal masses have a compact consistency, it is more difficult to defecate.

What are the risks of frequent constipation?

Not only are they uncomfortable, but they can also lead to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are certainly not pleasant, so it is worth fighting constipation. The worst thing is that enemas and laxatives should not be used during pregnancy. Few pharmacy preparations are intended for people in this condition, and each use of this type of agent should be consulted with a doctor beforehand. If constipation is associated with iron intake, you should report it to your doctor, then he will replace the preparation with one that will not cause this type of complication.

home remedies? Of course!

Fortunately, they are simple and natural ways to constipation, which are based on changing diet and lifestyle. How to deal with this problem without using drugs:

  • Avoid foods that can cause constipation, i.e. bananas, blueberries, white rice, cooked carrots, cocoa, chocolate, boiled, grated or roasted apples.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day, at least six glasses a day. However, avoid carbonated water, opt for low-mineralized water without gas.
  • Also drink juices with pulp, i.e. freshly squeezed ones are best. They are a source of fiber, which will also help with constipation problems.
  • On an empty stomach, in the morning, drink a glass of lukewarm water with a tablespoon of honey and lemon.
  • Drink vegetable juices, especially beetroot juices.
  • Instead of black tea, which is a diuretic, drink fruit teas.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits often during the day, mainly broccoli, beets, sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, apples, fresh and dried plums, legumes, tangerines, apricots, kiwi, cherries, peaches.
  • Eat whole grain products, i.e. thick groats, wheat, barley and oat flakes, wholemeal bread and whole grain pasta.
  • Instead of cookies, reach for dried fruit.
  • Avoid fatty, fried foods.
  • Try to eat regularly, i.e. 5-6 meals a day, but at the same time, so that they are not large portions. Every meal you eat should include something healthy.

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