A newborn from Wuhan is the youngest patient to be diagnosed with the coronavirus

Coronavirus was found in a newborn in Wuhan. The baby was born four days ago. It is not known how it got infected: by droplets or through the placenta.

Newborn baby infected with Wuhan virus

Chinese media reports that on February 2 in Wuhan – the epicenter of the epidemic of a new strain of coronavirus – 2019-nCoV was detected in a newborn just 30 hours after giving birth. The mother of the child was tested and obtained positive even before delivery. A newborn from Wuhan is the youngest patient attacked by a dangerous strain. It is not clear how and when the virus was transmitted – through the placenta or after birth by airborne droplets.

Coronavirus in children

Infections with the coronavirus in children are very rare. The BBC reports that the media have so far reported two cases: a six-month-old child in Singapore and an eight-year-old from Wuhan, who is currently in Australia.

The median age of coronavirus patients ranges from 49 to 56 years – shows the report published on Wednesday in the JAMA magazine. Dr. Malik Peiris, head of virology at Hong Kong University, told The New York Times that he suspected infection at an earlier age is mildTherefore, children rarely go to hospitals with suspected coronavirus. Adults may be more susceptible to its effects because they are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease, which weaken their immune system. Children also became infected incidentally during the MERS virus outbreak in 2016.

How does the coronavirus spread?

On Wednesday, the director general of the World Health Organization said that there has been the biggest jump in the development of the coronavirus epidemic in the last 24 hours. According to the latest data, more than 28 have become infected. people. There have been 563 fatalities. The coronavirus has reached 28 countries. Outside mainland China, 191 people were infected, two of whom died. There are no confirmed cases of disease in Poland.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Can you catch the coronavirus through a package from China?
  2. Coronavirus is not the first. The biggest epidemics in recent years
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