A new vision of today with opinion for millennials

A new vision of today with opinion for millennials

Information content and interest for a large part of the population that lives connected to technology.

Youth are constantly in communication with their peers through mobile devices, social networks and sometimes also face to face.

The new concept of information aggregator WeWay, less than a year old, is transforming the way of offering content of interest to this population group that searches the Internet for everything that surrounds their lives.

Although the target age for the platform’s consumers is from 18 to 30 years old, the content is equally useful to a spectrum of the older population.

Content with a focus on youth, current and dynamic

With a different aspect when offering the information, it is presented as a different social network.

Very focused on youth where transparency, and direct language, make a show in each of its contents that it houses.

More and more information is needed, but it must be agile and direct in reading in order to spend as little time as possible being informed.

This is one of its bases, which, together with the categorization of its themes, means that with just two movements of the hand or mouse, we have everything we want to know and / or discover in front of our eyes, to enjoy leisure time.

Among those themes, we can discover, technology, entertainment, travel, beauty, health, motor, etc.

All this based on the user experience, where the consumer in his registry will establish which of these themes are of interest to him so that all those who were chosen as favorites are turned on the front page of his devices on a daily basis.

Beyond a conventional digital newspaper

We are halfway between what we consider a modern digital magazine and a social network.

The contents are not only offered to those who register and read, but they can also publish their own content and categorize them.

A bidirectionality in perfect harmony with what the young public is looking for today, to find out, comment and share, in the same place.

This platform construction strategy is part of the DNA of the brand that seeks to make its consumers feel very identified with the brand, and be part of the WeWay family.

An important fact, you do not give away your content, everything you publish will be from the creator.

A clear commitment to the platform of respect for its users, always maintaining their rights as creators.

No ads and free participation

Users do not want to be constantly shown advertising in digital media, yes, it is the main source of media funding, but the reader sees it as intrusive.

It is a platform without ads, and without sponsored content, which has greatly helped its dissemination within its public and above all by encouraging the participation of the content, in its editing, in its reading and also in its evaluation.

The contents are useful if the consumer is interested, that is why they value them with “I like” or with “Positive or negative reactions “Of the posts.

These types of actions serve the platform to consider how each content should be shown and at what time to each user, giving them more or less visibility depending on the interactions of the participants.

A great advance to ensure that information is presented in a disruptive way within a digital environment that attracts new users.

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