A new trend straight from TikTok – lettuce water is supposed to help you fall asleep

The latest wellness trend from TikTok promises a natural way to fall asleep easier. Instead of sleeping pills or meditation before bedtime, TikTokers sip lettuce water. Could it work?

  1. TikTok users soak lettuce leaves and drink leftover water to help you fall asleep
  2. There are no data that confirm the hypnotic effect of lettuce water
  3. However, drinking this concoction won’t hurt, and it can act as a soothing ritual to unwind at the end of the day, experts say
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Lettuce leaves are soaked in hot water, and some add chamomile or peppermint to such “tea” to give it flavor. Does lettuce water have a chance to induce sleep? Doubtful, at least it won’t hurt.

Why lettuce?

“Some lettuces, such as Roman lettuce, naturally contain a phytonutrient called lactucarium,” Melissa Azzaro, a New Hampshire dietitian, tells Verywell, and lactucarium is sometimes referred to as “lettuce opium” because of its sedative and hypnotic potential. While there is no research yet to show that lettuce affects human sleep, there is evidence of a positive effect on mice. In a study published in Food Science and Biotechnology, researchers concluded that romaine lettuce is actually a source of support for sleep mechanisms and contains antioxidants that protect against stress caused by sleep disorders. In another study, also conducted in rodents, researchers found that romaine lettuce helped increase sleep time.

  1. Also read: Dangerous challenge on TikTok. Teeth hurt when you look at it

Since humans haven’t been tested, Azzaro suggests taking any claims made about lettuce water with a grain of salt. With that in mind, drinking lettuce water probably won’t hurt, adds the dietitian.

Safe lettuce for everyone?

Caroline Thomason, also a registered dietitian, is of a different opinion, says Verywell, “the risk with raw food is always contamination.” He adds that “recently some lettuces have been more susceptible to contamination E. E. coli coli . Washing or cooking greens can help reduce the risk, ”but it does not completely eliminate it.

In addition, he cautions that for people who are taking blood-thinning medications, lettuce water has the potential to interact with the drug, so even drinking lettuce water in the evening should be consulted with your doctor.

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Proven rituals for insomnia

Well-proven methods work well for hygienic sleep: for insomnia:

  1. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before going to bed
  2. Avoiding blue light, i.e. screens of smartphones, laptops, tablets
  3. A darkened, aired and cooled bedroom in which there is silence and relaxation (avoid TV and loud music)

You can also join this set:

  1. Chamomile tea or valerian root
  2. Foods and supplements rich in magnesium
  3. Sour cherry juice

Check: How to fall asleep quickly? – home remedies for a good night’s sleep

The strength of the placebo effect

The simple act of drinking a warm glass of lettuce water can also make your brain calm and suggest that the brew is helping you fall asleep and relax.

Read also:

  1. Placebo effect – what is it? The importance of the placebo effect for medicine [EXPLAINED]
  2. WHO warns: overwork and overtime are deadly for us
  3. Is drinking lemon water on an empty stomach?

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