A new symptom of Omicron in children. It’s like croup
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More and more children suffer from COVID-19. During the fall and winter season, coronavirus infection is easily confused with symptoms of a common cold. However, American doctors have recently noticed a new symptom in their youngest patients, related to the spread of Omicron. This ailment resembles a symptom of a disease that is rare today, called croup.

  1. In children infected with Omikron, doctors observe a barking cough
  2. It resembles a characteristic symptom of a disease called croup, which mainly affects children between six months and five years of age.
  3. American medics predict that the number of children who will develop respiratory diseases, such as bronchiolitis, will soon increase
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Omicron symptoms in children

Until now, the most common symptoms of Omikron infection in children were:

  1. high temperature, 
  2. runny nose, 
  3. headache and muscle pain 
  4. general fatigue.

Some children also complain of a lack of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. There have been cases of the appearance of a strange rash.

Now doctors in the United States are paying attention to the new symptom. Children diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection suffer from a strong cough. This is a fairly common symptom of COVID-19 that was diagnosed in previous variants, incl. Alpha and Delta. So why are medics talking about it more and more often?

It turns out that coughing in children with COVID-19 is very characteristic. It resembles “barking”, it is sharp and wheezing. Doctors compare it to cough, which is the main symptom of acute subglottic laryngitis, commonly known as croup. This viral disease is most common in children between six months and 5 years of age and manifests itself, inter alia, in swelling and narrowing of the throat and enlargement of the lymph nodes.

  1. Also read: Omikron also threatens children. Expert alerts: if your child has these symptoms, get a COVID-19 test

The rest of the text is below the video.

Symptoms of the Omicron. Coughing in children is different from that in adults

Why is covid cough in children different than in adults? According to Buddy Creech, an expert on infectious diseases in children at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, the cause is anatomy.

Small children’s airways are narrow, so obstruction is very easy. When it becomes inflamed therewhen breathing, the baby makes a characteristic sound, and his the cough is similar to the sound made by a dog or seal – he says.

The narrowing of the upper respiratory tract also has to do with the fact that According to the findings so far, the omicron settles higher than the previous variants, which attacked mainly the lungs, i.e. the lower respiratory tract..

Although doctors reassure parents who are frightened by such wheezing, hoarse coughs in their children, they also advise you to be vigilant. Each infection in such a young child (under 5) requires medical consultation, especially as it may develop, “go down” to the bronchioles, bronchi and lungs.

  1. See also: Another virus is spreading in the shadows of COVID-19. Attacks young children

Expert: You have to take into account that children with COVID-19 will increase

“We’re still two to three weeks away from the peak of Omicron infections,” said Saif Al Qatarneh, a pediatric pulmonologist at West Virginia University. – It is wise now to prepare for more bronchiolitis patients, especially among young children and infants – added.

Pediatric hospitalizations in the US are at their highest level since the start of the pandemic. The average number of patients under 18 admitted to hospital with COVID-19 is around 766, twice as much as two weeks earlier. Since mid-December, the hospital admission rate for the youngest age group not yet under the COVID-19 immunization program (under 5) has increased from 2,5 to over 4 per 100. kids. In the 5-18 age group, it is about 1 in 100. kids.

When it comes to protection, more than 50% are vaccinated. children aged 12 to 18 and 16 percent. at the age of 5-11.

Recall that the United States has recorded record numbers of coronavirus infections in recent days. Yesterday it was as much as 1 million 417 thousand. 493 new cases. 64,7 percent of these are due to a new variant, the Omicron.

  1. See also: Why is the coronavirus more attacking children now? Two main reasons

Krup – what is this disease?

Croup (subglottic laryngitis, pseudo-angina, laryngeal diphtheria) is an infectious viral disease caused by infection with the parainfluenza I virus (most cases), but also with rhinovirus, enterovirus or influenza virus. Most often, small children suffer from the disease, boys are more at risk of it. You can become infected by airborne droplets and by contact with an object or surface that the sick person has touched.

The most common symptoms of the disease are:

  1. barking cough
  2. wheezing and shallow breathing
  3. a swollen and narrowed throat and the related difficulty in swallowing saliva,
  4. enlargement of the lymph nodes,
  5. hoarseness,
  6. runny nose,
  7. increased body temperature,
  8. chills.

In the outpatient treatment of croup, glucocorticosteroids are usually used. Sometimes hospitalization is necessary, and in severe cases, even intubation of the patient.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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