A new symptom of coronavirus infection? Spanish doctors have found that many patients have difficulty swallowing
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Spanish doctors report that more than half of patients hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 infection have difficulty swallowing.

Problems swallowing COVID-19 symptom?

The study was conducted at two sites in Catalonia. Specialists from Mataro and St Jaume and Sta. Magdalena, in the province of Barcelona, ​​indicated that the phenomenon of the so-called Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a regular symptom of people infected with the coronavirus who require treatment in a medical facility.

The authors of the study, whose conclusions were presented by the specialized portal «Redaccion Medica :, indicated that appearing in 53,1 percent patients hospitalized with COVID-19, difficulty swallowing accompanies up to several months after being cured of this disease.

Members of the research team said that even three months after being infected with the coronavirus, the patient may suffer from oropharyngeal dysphagia.

Previous studies show that in 75,3 percent. of the surveyed patients with COVID-19, the risk of malnutrition was found, while 27,1% malnutrition. Scientists say that a high percentage of malnourished people is associated with the occurrence of oropharyngeal dysphagia.

The authors of the study announced that it would be conducted in the following months to confirm that oropharyngeal dysphagia may accompany people discharged from hospitals for several months, even up to six months. 200 people have already been covered.

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