A new, previously unknown variant of the coronavirus. He was detected in Israel
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The Israeli Ministry of Health has announced two new cases of infections with a previously unknown variant of the coronavirus. The new variant was diagnosed in two passengers who recently landed at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. At the moment, local experts calmly approach the new variant.

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A new variant of the coronavirus in Israel

The detected coronavirus variant combines the dominant BA.1 variant with the newer BA.2. Researchers believe that while the variant has been found in travelers returning to the country, it originally comes from Israel. – This variety is still unknown around the world. Those infected were tested with PCR tests, reported the Israeli Ministry of Health, quoted by The Times of Israel.

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The ministry announced that it will continue to closely monitor the situation. The studies confirmed that the BA.2 variant infected some people who had previously contracted the Omikron variant. Research is currently underway to determine whether it causes a more severe course of the disease than the BA.1 variant.

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There are all indications that vaccines are also effective against the new variant of the coronavirus. Less and less people are tested daily in Israel. Despite this, those arriving from abroad must undergo mandatory testing for the presence of coronavirus. In an interview with radio 103FM, Nachman Ash from the Israeli Ministry of Health said that travelers most likely contracted the infection in Israel.

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A young woman infected her child and parents. The phenomenon of mixing variants is well known, and so far we are not worried about the appearance of another one Dr. Salman Zarka admitted in an interview with Army Radio. In recent days, the reproductive rate of the coronavirus in Israel has increased and is currently 0,9. In turn, the number of confirmed cases has been systematically decreasing.

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Experts estimate that there may be an increase in infections associated with the BA.2 variant in Israel. It is speculated that it is up to 70 percent. more contagious than BA.1. More than 19 people have died from COVID-10 since the start of the pandemic in Israel. 400 people.

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