A new method of treating COVID-19. It reduces shortness of breath and shortens the hospital stay
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The company Synaigren from the UK has positively tested a new method of treating people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Interferon beta-based treatments are effective in reducing the risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms.

  1. Treating COVID-19 effectively is a challenge scientists around the world grapple with. Now another drug, delivered in the form of an aerosol, is entering the game
  2. Preliminary, unpublished studies have shown that the drug is effective in reducing the risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms and shortening the length of hospital stay
  3. The company that conducted the study in the coming days will make the results available to regulators around the world. Scientists admit that the results are promising, but more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment

Effective COVID-19 Treatment?

According to preliminary results, aerosolized interferon beta therapy could be effective in reducing the number of COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care, and thus the number of deaths.

The randomized study included 100 patients admitted to the hospital with diagnosed and confirmed COVID-19 tests. In the group of patients receiving interferon beta in the form of an aerosol by 79%. reduced the risk of severe COVID-19 compared to those taking placebo. In the studies, experts also noted a significant reduction in the occurrence of dyspnea. Patients taking the drug were more than twice as likely to recover fully as those in the control group, and the average time spent in hospital in treated patients was reduced by a third, from nine to six days.

“We are all delighted with the published study results that showed that SNG001 [drug name] has significantly reduced the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients,” said Richard Marsden, CEO of Synairgen.

The test results have not yet been verified, and the sample size on which they were conducted was small. If the research is confirmed, the therapy could be a revolution in the countries affected by the pandemic.

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Interferon beta in the treatment of COVID-19

Interferon beta is a naturally occurring protein that helps the body fight infection. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus inhibits its production by blocking the immune response. Interferon beta is commonly used to treat multiple sclerosis.

By delivering interferon beta directly to the lungs, the aim is to elicit a strong immune response in the patient, even if the body is weakened by the infection.

“The results support our belief that interferon beta has great potential as an inhalation drug to support the immune response in the lungs,” said Tom Wilkinson, professor of respiratory medicine at the University of Southampton, quoted in Science Alert.

Will interferon beta treatment be approved?

Synairgen’s CEO said the company will present its findings to regulators around the world in the coming days and see what information they need to approve treatment. The process could take several months, although the UK government, like others, said it would act as soon as possible in approving promising treatments for the coronavirus.

Synairgen is able to deliver 100 doses of the drug per month. If the treatment is approved, the demand for the drug and the nebulizers used to administer it will increase significantly.

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