A heart attack is a serious disease that significantly affects our lives so far. People who have had a heart attack often start building their lives from scratch. The disease affects professional and private life, our hobbies, interests and daily activities. At the same time, a heart attack is not a sentence and we should continue to enjoy life. What rules should we follow to make our lives active and safe after a heart attack?
- Life without stress – we should learn to deal with stress so that it is not destructive for us. If the stress we feel overcomes us, it can lead to depression and then to another heart attack. Therefore, the happier we are, the better for our heart – let’s avoid stressful situations and enjoy everything around us. Then the negative factors will not have a strong influence on us.
- Quit smoking – If you have smoked before – quit. Having a heart attack can be a good motivation. People who continue to smoke after a heart attack significantly increase the risk of another heart attack.
- Listen to your body – if you feel chest pain, sit down and rest. If the pain returns, do not ignore it and contact your doctor.
- Take medication regularly – it is important to adhere to the prescribed times of taking medications. Do not stop taking your medication without consulting your doctor, even if you feel better.
- Bet on a diet – the current diet should be enriched with products rich in beta-carotene, C, E and B vitamins as well as minerals – selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc. It is worth adding cereal sprouts, bran, buckwheat, peas, beans, nuts, bananas, cocoa, dark chocolate to your diet. You need to give up fatty meats in favor of chicken and fish. When it comes to alcohol, a glass or two of red wine certainly won’t hurt. However, if you are taking anticoagulants, alcohol should be avoided.
- Always keep your blood pressure and pulse under control – the optimal level of blood pressure should not exceed 140/90 mm Hg, while the pulse should be around 60-70 at rest, and 90-100 beats per minute during exercise. It’s a good idea to record your results to keep track of your recovery at all times. An exercise test performed under the supervision of a doctor will determine which form of activity is recommended for you.
- Get back to strength – during a hospital stay, a physiotherapist can teach proper breathing and exercise. This should be repeated on your own when you return home. We should continue to do everyday chores like housework, but in slow motion. You should also remember about rest, which should be more than work. If the doctor allows, you can start cycling or swimming in the pool. It is worth introducing a regular daily routine that will allow you to recover faster.
- Rest with your head – you should give up going to high mountains or the tropics. The best place is the plains. When on vacation, remember not to jump into cold water abruptly – it can cause dangerous spasm of blood vessels and even loss of consciousness. On hot days, cover your head and avoid going out in the sun between 11 a.m. and 17 p.m. when the sun is at its strongest.
- Remember the pleasures – you can do what you’ve always done: don’t give up meeting friends, have sex. This form of activity allows you to relieve tension, relaxes and stimulates the work of the heart, strengthening it.