A new hangover pill is now on sale. Seriously reduces the effects of drinking

The tablet, which breaks down alcohol in the body and thus prevents hangovers, is already available for sale – so far in Great Britain and there are media reports about it. It is the Swedish supplement Myrkl, which reduces your blood alcohol concentration by half within 30 minutes of drinking a drink.

  1. Myrkl is a probiotic that contains ingredients that accelerate the breakdown of alcohol in the body described by “The Times”
  2. “One week of regular supplementation resulted in a significantly lower alcohol intake into the blood, and thus into metabolism” – write researchers proving the effectiveness of the supplement
  3. The preparation, at least in theory, is not intended to encourage drinking. Dr. Dawn Harper said in the Daily Mail that getting drunk with him would be much more difficult and more expensive
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

No headache and nausea the day after the party is a dream for many people. Now in the UK you can buy the Myrkl supplement to make this dream come true. 30 capsules cost 30 pounds, or about 164 PLN – the supplement is only available for sale online.

Half the amount of alcohol in the blood

Myrkl, according to the manufacturer’s assurances, is to break down alcohol in the body up to 12 hours. To achieve the maximum effect of the supplement, you should take two tablets an hour before the planned alcohol consumption.

Researchers at the Swedish pharmaceutical company De Faire Medical and Germany’s Pfützner Science & Health Institute in Mainz last month presented results showing that preventive pill intake reduced blood alcohol levels by half within 30 minutes of drinking. After an hour, the blood alcohol level dropped by 70%.

  1. Early Symptoms That Alcohol Is Ruining Your Liver

The results of the study, which proves the effectiveness of the supplement, were published in the journal “Nutrition and Metabolic Insights”. 24 people were divided into two groups — some were given the Myrkl pill for a week, and some a placebo. Members of both groups ate a light breakfast and a glass of vodka on the day of the experiment. They then had blood and breath tests every 15 minutes for the first hour, for the next five hours every 60 minutes. “One week of regular supplementation resulted in significantly lower blood alcohol intake, and therefore metabolism,” the researchers write.

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How does the hangover pill work?

How it works? Myrkl is a probiotic that contains Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus subtilis bacteria as well as vitamins L-Cysteine ​​and B12. These ingredients accelerate the breakdown of alcohol in the body.

  1. In these countries, the death rate from alcohol is frighteningly high. Most of them are our neighbors

Scientists hope that Myrkl will help prevent damage to the liver and other organs, as well as reduce other negative effects of alcohol consumption, including social.

The drug makers assure that it is not an excuse to drink, but it will make life easier for people who consume moderate amounts of alcohol.

Dr. Dawn Harper, best known from the TV show “Embarrassing Bodies,” notes that the supplement will not completely disappear the effects of drinking alcohol. She also pointed out one more thing. “If you want to go out and get drunk, Myrkl will make it take you a lot longer and cost you a lot more,” said the Daily Mail.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, Dr. Agnieszka Bolikowska – the founder of Linguistics, creator of the 6oMethod® method, will tell us about what slow learning is. How to break the language barrier? How to learn to make mistakes? You will learn about this and other aspects of language learning in today’s episode. Listen!

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