A new drug for hepatitis C

The first phase of clinical trials of the new drug for hepatitis C has been successfully completed, informs the EurekAlert website.

A preparation called INX-189, discovered by specialists from Cardiff University’s Welsh School of Pharmacy in 2008, successfully passed the first phase of research.

About 170 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C. The virus can cause liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and death. Due to hepatitis C infection, most liver transplants are performed in developed countries. There is no vaccine yet, and treatment with interferon and ribavirin is not always effective, and can cause serious side effects. Meanwhile, INX -189 showed no side effects at a dose of up to 100 milligrams. One dose a day seems effective against the virus.

During earlier (2008) laboratory tests, the minimum doses of the preparation (calculated in nanomoles) destroyed 90 percent of the viruses, making this substance the most powerful agent ever developed. The next phase of clinical trials should begin soon. (PAP)

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