A new Delta variant strain has been detected. What is known about him?
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A new strain of the Delta variant has been discovered in Australia. A different sequence than known so far was detected in eight cases out of the 646 infections detected in New South Wales state on Thursday. Whether it’s more contagious than the world-dominant Delta variant is not yet known.

  1. Australia is currently experiencing the third wave of the coronavirus
  2. It even reaches over 2 thousand. infections per day – such numbers have not been recorded since the beginning of the pandemic
  3. One of the most affected states is New South Wales, whose capital is Sydney
  4. It was there that the new Delta strain was discovered
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Coronavirus: New Delta Variant Strain

A new strain of the highly contagious Delta variant was detected in New South Wales on Thursday, health officials said there.

On Thursday, 646 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the Australian state. 11 people, two women and nine men, have died from the coronavirus. Seven of them were unvaccinated, three had one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, and one was fully vaccinated.

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Dr. Kerry Chant, chief health officer for New South Wales, said that in eight cases of genome sequencing, SARS-CoV-2 detected a new strain of the infectious Delta variant. Seven of the eight cases involved members of one family. According to officials, the symptoms of infection were typical of the Delta variant.

“We found a new Delta strain that has a different sequence than the current variant circulating in Sydney,” Chant said. She added that research on the new discovery is still ongoing.

  1. We are doing too little testing for the SARS-CoV-2 virus

‘There is no evidence yet that this new strain shows any difference in transmission rate, effect on disease severity or vaccine resistance compared to the baseline strain,’ Dr Chant stressed. – We are conducting research to detect the source and direction of transmission – she added.

Coronavirus in Australia. High third wave

Australia is currently facing the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic. The latest data say about 2 thousand. 523 infections. Most in the states of Victoria (1) and New South Wales (838).

The country has avoided the wave of infections caused by the Alpha variant that appeared in Europe in the first months of this year. The previous peak in infections in Australia was in August 2020. On average, more than 500 COVID-19 cases were recorded daily at that time.

  1. Latest COVID-19 data in Europe. Poland is getting redder and redder on the map

The Delta variant is currently responsible for 98 percent. coronavirus cases. The number of infections has been increasing since the beginning of August. Back then, the weekly daily average was over 200 cases, now it is 2 thousand. 131.

In Australia, which has almost 26 million inhabitants, more than 19 have contracted COVID-122. people. 1 thousand died 405.

There are currently pandemic restrictions in place in the Sydney area. They concern, among others gathering outside, leaving the house or receiving guests. Fully vaccinated individuals are also included (e.g. up to 5 people may meet outdoors after two doses of vaccination).

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

In Australia, about 48% are fully vaccinated. people. One dose was received by over 67 percent. The same four preparations are used as in Poland – Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and J&J.

Also read:

  1. COVID-19 despite vaccination – who is most at risk? A risk calculator was created
  2. New rules for declaring deaths. Changes in the regulations are coming
  3. BioNTech chief: a new COVID-2022 vaccine will be needed in 19

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