A new and promising method of contraception. Tablet “on demand”

The combination of two different measures that are already in use could become a real revolution in contraception. Research shows that it works like a “pill on demand”, disturbing ovulation even when the chance of fertilization is highest in a woman.

  1. In terms of contraception, there is still a lot to be discovered – the process of inhibiting pregnancy can still be improved to give the woman more opportunities
  2. The area of ​​interest of researchers still covers, inter alia, male contraceptive pill
  3. The latest findings of scientists show, in turn, that it will be possible to develop a pill that works in the form of contraception “on demand”
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The authors of a new publication, which has just appeared in the journal “BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health”, inform about a new, potential method of contraception. The combination of ulipristal acetate, used today for contraception, and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam appears to be effective in protecting against conception when it is most likely to occur.

The scientists explain that the time just before ovulation, during the intensive production of progesterone, is the most difficult time to disturb ovulation and prevent fertilization. For example, ulipristal acetate only works if given before this period.

On the other hand, drugs like meloxicam can disturb the ovulation process just after the beginning of strong progesterone production.

The researchers therefore set out to see if the combination of the two drugs could act as an on-demand contraception that would prevent pregnancy even in the most fertile phase.

Nine women, aged 18 to 35, with regular monthly cycles, participated in the tests. Each of the volunteers was observed during two complete cycles – once without drugs and once after taking them. Ultrasound examination and hormone measurements showed impaired ovulation in six women. Eight participants met the criteria for incomplete ovulation.

The drugs lengthened the cycle by an average of three days. This is important information for people who also use natural methods of contraception.

The scientists emphasize that the study was of a test nature – more will be needed to check the effectiveness and safety of the presented approach.

However, they judge the results as promising. “If we compare the ovulation dysfunction rate in our study with the previous results on which our protocol was based, the combination of ulipristal acetate and meloxicam impaired ovulation in each phase of the fertile period more than any previously tested drug,” the researchers emphasize. (PAP)

Marek Matacz

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