A nationwide campaign to combat varicose veins is about to start

The nationwide action to combat varicose veins will start this Saturday and will last until mid-August. During this time, it will be possible to test for venous insufficiency of the legs and seek medical advice for free, the organizers announced at the conference on Tuesday.

As part of the action, the so-called The Institute of Healthy Legs brings together doctors and physiotherapists dealing with the treatment of chronic venous leg insufficiency. The Institute’s doctors will visit 23 cities (including Wrocław, Warsaw, Poznań, Kraśnik Stargard Szczeciński) and will conduct, among others, ultrasound examinations of the legs.

Chronic venous insufficiency is one of the diseases of civilization. In developed countries, including Poland, this problem affects several dozen percent of the population – said Prof. Marek Maruszyński from the Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of National Defense.

Chronic venous insufficiency is a persistent disorder of the outflow of blood through the veins of the lower extremities. As explained by prof. Maruszyński, the symptoms of this disease include swelling, feeling of heavy legs, pain concentrating along the course of the veins, night cramps, itching, and restless leg syndrome.

The disease can lead to varicose veins, bruising, venous thrombosis and ulceration.

Prof. Krzysztof Ziaja from the Department of General and Vascular Surgery of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice pointed out that the main cause of problems with varicose veins is the upright posture of our ancestor (Homo erectus) about 2 million years ago. Today, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, wearing tight pants and socks, and in the case of women – high heels also hamper the smooth flow of blood contribute to the disease.

Disease risk factors can be eliminated with appropriate prophylaxis. Dr hab. Dr. Tomasz Urbanek from the Department of General and Vascular Surgery of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice admitted that there is no miracle pill for varicose veins – however, there are many oral and topical medications. Some can be purchased over the counter. Properly selected knee socks, stockings or tights with gradual compression and bandages can also be helpful. Finally, there is surgical treatment – for example, removal of diseased veins.

Proper prophylaxis and early treatment not only improve the patient’s quality of life, but also minimize treatment costs. Early and properly conducted treatment enables the patient to function normally, including professional work, which significantly reduces the costs associated with sick leave or rehabilitation.

According to epidemiologists estimates, every second woman and about 40% of women suffer from venous insufficiency at various stages of the development of this disease. men. Research conducted among primary care clinic patients showed that in as many as 48% of them there are varicose veins, in 27% – telangiectasias (venous spider veins), in 11% swelling, in 10% – trophic changes, and ulcers – active and healed – in 1 to 3%

The Institute of Healthy Legs will come to Zgorzelec, Wrocław, Żywiec, Oświęcim, Myszków, Olkusz, Nowy Targ, Krosno, Kraśnik, Starachowice, Kutno, Płońsk, Warsaw, Pułtusk, Łomża, Ełk, Malbork, Chełmno, Inowrocław, Darłowo, Stargardania and Leszno. The first comprehensive report on the problem of chronic venous insufficiency in Poland will be prepared on the basis of the collected results and the questionnaires to be completed by patients.

“This is the first such a wide-ranging preventive screening project in Poland. Doctors from the Institute of Healthy Legs will carry out tests in virtually all regions of the country, ”said Marzena Siemińska, commercial director of PPF Hasco-Lek SA at the conference. The pharmaceutical company from Wrocław is a partner of the campaign.

“We will appear in the largest Polish agglomerations: in Warsaw, Poznań and Wrocław. But most of all, we will visit smaller towns where patients have more difficult access to free tests “- she added.

A mini clinic with two Doppler ultrasound stations will be installed in selected cities. Throughout the day – from 10.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m. – two doctors will be waiting for patients in a specially prepared tent, who will conduct tests, assess the condition of the legs on the spot and inform whether and what treatment should be continued. For all those waiting, the Institute of Healthy Legs has prepared a meeting with a physiotherapist who will answer questions about chronic leg insufficiency. (PAP)

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