Now the girl has to get rid of excess skin, having paid half a million rubles for this.
The mother of four daughters, Sue Morgan from Great Britain, at the age of 39, weighed almost 120 kg. The girl began to gain weight as a teenager, and after giving birth, everything only got worse. Instead of pulling herself together and getting her body in shape, Sue only exacerbated the situation: she did not deny herself fast food and drank 2 liters of Dr. Pepper a day. Self-isolation became the turning point for the Englishwoman. It was then that the girl decided to take care of herself and began to train … to the hard rock!
During the pandemic, the girl began to search the Internet for various workouts for weight loss and accidentally stumbled upon dancing to hard rock. Since Sue was a fan of this genre of music before all this, this course turned out to be very attractive for her, and the mother of many children began training 5 times a week. In addition to this “fitness”, the girl also adjusted her diet, reducing portions and replacing fast food with healthy food.
Thanks to such hard work and a balanced diet, Sue managed to lose 53 kg during the quarantine. Finally, the girl has reached the desired shape, but now the girl has another problem – extra skin.
I love and hate my body at the same time. I hate to look at my saggy tummy, but at the same time I understand that all this is due to my hard training, and they were not in vain! ” – said Sue Morgan.
Now the girl is saving money for an operation to get rid of excess skin, which costs about half a million rubles. The pay for junk food, as it turned out, is really not small!