A month to restore ease of movement

Cold, dry air, uncomfortable posture… We wake up in the morning, but we can’t move right away. Joints crackle, do not want to work and sometimes even hurt. How to return lightness to movements in a month?

The problem is not only in the natural wear of the joints. Change of seasons, unreasonable (too intense or, on the contrary, insufficient) physical activity, often repetitive monotonous movements and excess weight can also cause joint problems that manifest themselves after 35 years, and sometimes even earlier. To reduce stress on the joints, it makes sense to change some habits and use soft products that support their mobility. Here are some possible solutions.

Unload your menu

Joint pain can be caused by excess toxins. The body does not have time to cleanse itself if we consume too much caffeine, alcohol, salt, pepper, refined sugar and animal foods. To reduce the load on the digestive system and give the body the opportunity to “clean up the blockages”, for at least a couple of weeks, eat gluten-free cereals (millet, wild rice, buckwheat, quinoa) for breakfast instead of white sugar, honey, stevia, Jerusalem artichoke or agave syrup instead of white sugar . Replace dairy products with coconut and almond milk, as well as easier-to-digest goat curd and fresh goat cheese. Instead of meat, it is good to at least temporarily switch to lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas and other legumes. However, if you do not agree even for a while to give up your steak, nutritionist Nadya Andreeva * recommends combining it with plenty of fresh greens.

Pay attention to turmeric

This bright orange warming spice not only stimulates the liver, but also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore helps with rheumatism and muscle pain. If you add turmeric to your daily menu, it will improve joint mobility and make bones stronger. Whole turmeric root contains especially many valuable substances (looks like ginger, only yellow), but crushed dried spice will also noticeably improve well-being. How to use it? Along with beans, vegetables and rice. Ayurvedic doctor Dhaniya Dharani from the Atreya Ayurveda Center recommends drinking a cup of warm milk boiled with turmeric for two to three minutes in the evening.

Choose a soft sport

Jogging and tennis can cause inflammation of the joints, so they are contraindicated for pain. However, you should not completely abandon sports. Physical activity saturates the body with oxygen, thereby helping it eliminate toxins. Swimming, outdoor walking, cycling, qigong, yoga, pilates and any kind of stretching are suitable for you.

Do an exercise to strengthen your knees

The knee joints are one of the most vulnerable. To improve their condition, do this simple exercise every day, which will take no more than a minute. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward slightly with a straight back and place your palms on your knees – right on the left knee, left on the right. Bend your legs slightly, leaving your arms in the same position, and draw 20 circles with your knees in one direction, then in the other. Finally, rub your palms over the popliteal areas so that you feel warm.

Get rid of stress

By learning to relax, we release a lot of energy that the body can use to cleanse itself. If meditation doesn’t suit you for some reason, try floating, the Feldenkrais Method, the Rosen Method, or one of the many Eastern practices.

* N. Andreeva “Happy tummy. The first steps towards conscious nutrition for harmony, lightness and harmony ”(Ripol Classic, 2014).

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