The problem with insufficient veins in Poland is 50 percent. women and almost 40 percent. men. The genetic burden has a great influence on the formation of varicose veins: according to statistics, if one of the parents has varicose veins, the probability of their occurrence in a child is 4 times higher, and if both parents have them – it grows up to six times.
Varicose veins are also favored by:
- obesity,
- sedentary or standing lifestyle,
- hormonal contraception,
- Hormone Replacement Therapy,
- hot baths,
- smoking.
After her third pregnancy, Agnieszka noticed that the tiny spider veins on her calves turned into visible, convex veins. The 46-year-old also began to suffer from severe leg pains and swelling, especially since she was constantly working in a standing position. “I did not want to let my legs look like my mother’s legs” – guided by these words, Agnieszka decided to have varicose veins surgery using the modern radio wave method. What is such a procedure and how is it carried out?
Read also:
- Varicose veins are not only a cosmetic problem – here’s everything you need to know about them
- Why do veins turn into varicose veins?
- What diet favors beautiful legs without varicose veins?