A mobile game a trickle for children: rules
The collective game “Stream” is suitable for younger and older preschool age. She introduces people to Russian folk culture and traditions. It can be played in different ways, depending on the age.
Outdoor game “Stream” for children 3 years old
It is better to play the game with cheerful music. As many people as possible take part in it. The game teaches kids to repeat words loudly and distinctly, to lead a round dance, not to push, to follow the teacher’s commands, cheers up in the team.
The game “Stream” is performed to the music
During the game, the kids line up in a circle, take each other’s hands. The driver or teacher chooses one of the guys and leads him to the center of the circle. At the same time he utters the words: “And I will find Dasha and take with me.” Raising their hands high above their heads, the children form an arc.
The rest of the participants walk in a round dance through an imaginary gate, after which they stop and take each other’s hands. The driver returns to the circle, and the remaining kid chooses the pair he likes, repeating the old words. The game is repeated until each of the participants has visited the driver.
Rules for older preschoolers
The game gets more complicated, an odd number of kids participate in it. All are lined up in pairs, boys and girls, each pair raises their hands high so that the driver can run under them. A participant without a pair quickly walks along the corridor, looks for a friend and runs with him to the end. The game is repeated from the beginning. Left without a pair, it becomes at the beginning of the corridor, now it is his turn to drive.
Words for the driver:
Brook, brook!
You are my little friend!
Can I play here?
Participants standing in pairs say the words: “Run faster, choose your friend!”
At the end of the game, the guys turn to face each other and say the words:
How well we played
And they found all friends!
The game is played with cheerful and fast music. The couple must run to the end of the corridor before the melody ends. Continue until everyone has been driving. Such a game brings the team closer together, introduces folk songs and traditions, develops dexterity, attention and a sense of rhythm.
Russian folk game is suitable for a large team of 10 people or more. The more players there are, the more interesting it is, since there are many options for pairing. During the game, the teacher can reveal sympathy in the team, reconcile the enemies. Music is chosen taking into account the age of preschoolers, the pace is gradually increased. The fastest melody sounds at the end of the game.