A midlife crisis. What is it manifested and how to deal with it?
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The midlife crisis is a light-hearted phenomenon, the subject of jokes and ironic teasing. However, it is a real psychological phenomenon that can have serious effects and influence life decisions. How to avoid stereotypical symptoms of midlife crisis and consciously go through this often emotionally difficult stage of life?

When does a midlife crisis occur?

The midlife crisis is the time to summarize after reaching half the average life expectancy. The midlife crisis has no gender, it can affect both women and men, usually between the ages of 35 and 45, but statistically more often in a bright form in men and affects a total of about 10 percent. population.

What is the reason for the lower percentage of typical midlife crisis in women? Probably out of social consent to symptoms of the crisis in menand the differences in the manifestation of the “second youth” in men than in women.

Men statistically more often base their sense of life satisfaction on visible signs of financial status and attractiveness, hence the stereotypical younger women and new cars. In women, life summaries may more often affect the emotional and intimate sphere, but also the desire to improve one’s own appearance increases – the number of aesthetic medicine treatments, beauty metamorphoses and changes in clothing increases.

Of course, the desire and form of experiencing the “second youth” are not always assigned to gender, much depends on the character, life commitments, financial abilities and self-esteem of a given person.

Where does the midlife crisis come from?

In terms of the risk of a midlife crisis, a lot depends on the level of satisfaction with life, work, relationship and property status, as well as ambition and the level of expectations of oneself. Reflections on the achievements so far, settling accounts with one’s own plans, expectations and their implementation, as well as realizing the changes in appearance, health and form due to the passage of time, can sometimes bring disappointment, resulting in a strong need for changes and a kind of “catching up” ».

A midlife crisis may also occur as a result of sudden changes in life, death of parents, abandoned nest syndrome – after adult children have left their home. The midlife crisis may be accompanied by occupational burnout, i.e. a sense of the lack of sense in the work performed for many years, fatigue and loss of vocation to the profession.

During the midlife crisis, the risk of a nervous breakdown increases, as well as the number of break-ups and divorces, even among long-term couples.

Midlife crisis – symptoms

Frequent symptoms of midlife crisis it is depressed mood, tantrums, crying, irritability – in women associated with hormonal changes related to the onset of menopause, and in men – andropause; tendency to use stimulants, the need for changes in appearance, lifestyle, feeling of dissatisfaction with work and family life, fascination and infatuation with other people – often younger, fear of death and disease, changing lifestyle, interest in religion and spirituality, therapies, taking up physical activity , regular workouts.

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  1. Men and women react to stress differently
  2. Loneliness is as dangerous for men as a failed relationship
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Some symptoms of midlife crisis may positively influence the sense of life satisfaction, mental and physical well-being. Improving the form and health, changing work to a more satisfying one, breaking toxic relationships, taking care of appearance, finding a new hobby and realizing dreams and plans – such activities can have the most positive effects.

The midlife crisis can cause a relationship to break up. However, it is definitely worth trying to work through this time, even with the help of a family therapist, if the relationship has a good foundation and worked flawlessly many years ago.

Stereotypical symptoms of a midlife crisis, such as the need for sudden, risky changes in life, a breakup, divorce, sudden resignation from work, purchase of a new car, relationship with a much younger person or invasive plastic surgery are not uncommon cases. These usually carelessly fulfilled ideas for stopping or turning back time can be risky and can lead to catastrophe and the loss of position, family or other values ​​that previously formed the basis of life.

A conscious approach to circulating thoughts and emerging needs for changes and summaries can help in accepting the passage of time and appreciating the benefits of maturity, taking care of family ties, discovering the multitude of activities that can be performed during the next years of a happy, stable life that await us .

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