The crisis of the so-called forty is a term for many non-standard behaviors of middle-aged men. It is believed to be a group of men between 35 and 45 years old. It meets everyone, regardless of their social position, life achievements or private property status.
It can be caused by various events causing a re-evaluation of the life so far. The midlife crisis also refers to reflection on the life so far, own achievements, professional and personal situation.
The crisis is often referred to in reference to men who, in middle age, become aware of the passage of time, which is why they try to make a kind of summary of their achievements so far. Due to the variety of psychological types, there are no strictly defined symptoms of a crisis. However, the most common ones can be listed:
- feeling of professional burnout, lack of job satisfaction
- feelings of dissatisfaction, sadness, monotony and exhaustion
- feeling lonely
- infatuation with another person who is not a life partner
- the desire to escape from everyday duties
- sudden craving for alcohol and drugs
- obsessive care of your appearance – frequent visits to the beautician, to the gym
- anger, depression, resignation
- romance and betrayal in a relationship
- complaining about the relationship with a regular partner, blaming her for the monotony in the relationship
The crisis that men are going through often leads their interest to women much younger than them. The interest shown in them by attractive, young women has a positive effect on rebuilding one’s self-esteem. It also allows you to believe in your own strengths and capabilities again.
There is also a return to the passion of youth. Dreams about the career of a footballer, painter, singer are dusted off. It is a time when men try their hand again in the spheres of life that they gave up when they entered the life of an adult, responsible member of society.
Midlife crisis, although it mainly affects men, indirectly also affects women who are in a relationship with a man affected by the problem. Revision of the past life, achievements and created position can often lead to a breakdown of the relationship. A woman accompanying a man in crisis feels threatened and unsure of her importance to her partner. Therefore, it is important for both people in a relationship to become aware of the changes that are being made. This is necessary in order to proceed in a thoughtful and prudent way, without leading to the disintegration of the current life.
Here are a few tips on how you can overcome a hostile period together:
- spend a holiday together – away from everyday duties and routine
- be attractive so that your partner feels that he has a beautiful woman by his side
- emphasize why you are together and what you value him for
- add variety to your sex life
It is important to remember that crises are stages in everyone’s life. It depends on ourselves and on the support of our loved ones how we overcome them and what conclusions we draw from them.