A man with two penises is conquering the internet

One in more than 5 million men is born with two penises. A 23-year-old American, affected by this anomaly, decided to show it to a wider audience and – under the pseudonym DiphallicDude – became an Internet star in just a few hours.

Difalia – as this is the name given to this rare genetic defect – was first described in 1609. The doubling usually affects other organs of the lower body half as well. A person with difalia may have, for example, two anus, three kidneys, an extra leg, or spina bifida.

DiphallicDude has recently answered questions from Reddit Internet users who are curious about his condition.

Most of the questions were about sex life. The man assured that both penises are fully functional – capable of both erection and ejaculation (both are equally involved in urination).

DiphallicDude confessed that he is bisexual and has been involved in a very serious “three-way” relationship with a woman and a man for some time, and the anatomy gives all three of them the power of extraordinary bed experiences.

When asked about the biggest drawback of having two members, DiphallicDude replied that it was difficult to find comfortable underwear.

The American eagerly publishes photos of his genitals (interested can see a few of them here), but he categorically rejects proposals for appearing in pornographic films.

– In porn business, I would only be a temporary curiosity, besides, they pay poorly there. Besides, I would not be able to assess the value of my own dignity, argued DiphallicDude.

Adapted from Reddit / CL Tampa

Text: Stefan Spring

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