A man starts to “fall apart” after forty? Doctors tell us how we age

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The currently fashionable statement that age is just a number, unfortunately, from the medical point of view, is not true. Doctors are able to define specific age ranges in which our body begins the aging process. It is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, mild at first, and with the passage of time more and more affecting us. And while old age is inevitable, we can make it less painful. Experts in the field of ophthalmology, orthopedics, neurology, cardiology and endocrinology indicate if and when this can be done. Do we really start to “crumble” after XNUMX?

  1. Our organs age at different rates. Sight starts to fail around 40-50. After the age of XNUMX, you can also see changes in the joints
  2. In turn, our brain begins to age later – after 55-60. age
  3. Doctors tell you what to expect over the years and whether this process can be stopped
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Reading glasses will not miss anyone

Are all those who use them already seniors? Something is up, because even the characters from the pages of popular literature pretend to see clearly what is written in, for example, a restaurant menu, so that they are not perceived in such a way. After all, too short arm syndrome is not only a subject of jokes, but also a cause for concern that we are about to cross the proverbial shadow line.

– Each of us will be affected by the loss of accommodation, i.e. the physiological process of adjusting the eye to viewing objects at different distances – explains the ophthalmologist, prof. dr hab. n. med. Zofia Anna Nawrocka from the Jasne Błonia Ophthalmology Clinic in Łódź. – After the age of 40, 50, as a rule, each of us is a bit more difficult to read, we try to move the book further away, and then, whether we like it or not, we reach for glasses.

While the loss of accommodation is faced by everyone who reaches the appropriate age, there are also many diseases associated with it. The best known – cataract – is the clouding of the lens. Ophthalmologists treat cataracts surgically by removing the patient’s cloudy lens and implanting a new one.

– Nowadays, there is a wide selection of intraocular lenses, such as multifocal lenses, which allow the eyes to rejuvenate – says Prof. Nawrocka. – Thanks to them, it becomes possible to read again without glasses.

The bad news, however, is that the loss of accommodation cannot be stopped with either dietary supplements or exercise. It is an age-related physiological change, similar to graying of hair. And just as we can dye our hair, we put multifocal contact lenses on our eyes.

– Another, equally common cause of vision deterioration in the elderly population in developed countries is macular degeneration, i.e. AMD – adds prof. Nawrocka. – Exactly translated age-related macular degeneration stands for age-related macular degeneration. This disease affects central vision. As a rule, the patient first notices the curvature of the lines, and may have problems with facial recognition and reading. Macular degeneration is a chronic disease that, if left untreated, can even lead to blindness, but its early detection gives a chance to improve and maintain proper vision.

Take care of your eyesight by reaching for natural dietary supplements, a wide selection of which can be found on Medonet Market.

Prof. Zofia Anna Nawrocka reminds that regular ophthalmological examinations play an important role in the prevention of eye diseasesand in the event of a disease – monitored therapy. Only such actions can stop the progression of changes as well as prevent possible complications.

  1. Take the QUIZ: What number or letter do you see in the image? A simple eye test

We lose motor skills relatively early

With age, our tissues crumble, tendons and menisci break more easily, and ligaments break. Also, the bones become more fragile, increasing the danger of each fall. However, the weakest link in our locomotor system is cartilage – a delicate and chimeric structure, thanks to which the joints bend or straighten smoothly and painlessly. Cartilage loses its efficiency quickly because it contains very few cells that are responsible for its regeneration (so-called chondrocytes). They constitute only 2 percent. its masses.

– During work, it is subjected to very strong mechanical pressure – says the orthopedist, dr hab. Bogusław Sadlik, MD, director of the Biological Joint Reconstruction Center at the Orthos Multispecialist Hospital in Komorowice near Wrocław. – It covers the joints and, for example, in the ankle joint is only 4 cm square. We shift our entire body weight to this small area with each step, and we make several million steps a year. Cartilage must be resistant to loads, hence its characteristic structure. In the compact structure of collagen fibers, equipped with a store of water necessary to lubricate the joint, there is no longer any room for chondrocytes, as it would be difficult to nourish them. In addition, cartilage cells do not tolerate high pressure. It’s such a paradox: when subjected to the highest pressures, they are also the most sensitive to them.

Cartilage practically does not regenerate, therefore joint degeneration begins relatively quickly. It is worth starting to act as soon as possible, e.g. through proper supplementation. You can find preparations for muscles, joints and bones at Medonet Market.

“The natural aging process of the joints begins around the age of 40,” explains Dr. Sadlik. – Joints hurt during the morning rush, because not only the cartilage degenerates, but also the chemical composition of the synovial fluid and the tissues surrounding the joint. Tissue breakdown signals pain that is supposed to alert us to illness and force us to limit our physical activity. It’s a natural defense mechanism, red light like that.

And here is another paradox: unused joints deteriorate faster. Therefore, in order to slow down the aging process, you have to force yourself to move despite the pain. 90 percent our society complains about joints because it does not move enough.

– If we are active in our forties, our joints should serve us well by the age of 70 – says the orthopedist. – After seventy, we still have to move, but not so intensely, because regeneration stops. At this age, we need more stretching as the articular capsules become fibrous and tendons and ligaments harden and become brittle. In order to maintain the condition, it is advisable to exercise smoothly throughout the entire range of joint movement, such as the one proposed by tai-chi.

After the age of 60, the degenerative processes of the joints begin to be felt constantly. That is why doctors recommend spending more and more time keeping the body in motion. We should also start practicing flexibility and balance. It turns out that one of the best forms of training is to simply dance. If we run out of time and desire to dance, we must take into account an increased susceptibility to imbalances and falls.

  1. See also: How much weight can you lose thanks to dancing?

– In order to avoid awkward walking in old age, we must train motor skills – says Dr. Sadlik. Movement will replace many medicines, but no medicine will replace movement.

The last thing to keep in mind is our diet. What we eat has a huge impact on the joints, because we provide the building material for cartilage with food. Our menu should include animal products because they contain collagen; hence frequent joint problems among vegans. You can buy collagen powder at Medonet Market.

We should also remember about proper skin care, the aging of which is very visible, if we do not care for it. We recommend the firming and correcting anti-wrinkle day cream and the firming and correcting anti-wrinkle night cream by Sensilis. It is also worth ordering Bioherba’s two-phase face modeling booster, which stimulates collagen synthesis and supports cellular metabolism.

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We remember the young years, but we do not remember the events from a few days ago

– The central nervous system, which is the brain and spinal cord, does not become fully mature until between the age of 21 and 25 – says Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Kozubski, head of the Department and Clinic of Neurology at the Medical University of Poznań. “At this age, the internal pathways of the brain already have a properly built myelin sheath, and the mature organ reacts differently from the baby’s brain. The scope of diseases of the nervous system is also changing, because we deal with others in childhood, others in adulthood and, of course, others in old age.

We start talking about the aging of the brain when a person reaches the age of 55-65 years. Then we can also expect the first degenerative changes, mainly atrophic, e.g. in the frontal lobes or the base of the frontal lobes. Retrograde changes (involution) take place in the cortical and subcortical structures – the brain simply shrinks.

To stay mentally fit for as long as possible, reach for the DO-BEST Energy and Concentration Supplement Set, which you can find at a favorable price at Medonet Market. See also the full range of memory and concentration supplements available in the store.

– Without pathology, e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, the process of natural aging of the brain usually proceeds with minor clinical symptoms – explains Prof. Kozubski. – The patient is simply less mentally fit. He may have slight cognitive impairment in terms of memorizing the last facts that is not sufficiently precise or orientation in space less efficient than in middle age.

On the other hand, among the diseases that are most strongly related to the age of the brain, we would mention dementing diseases, i.e. those in the course of which cognitive functions are impaired. With Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Levy bodies (with characteristic symptoms such as misdiagnosis syndrome – the patient talks to a mirror, TV, does not recognize relatives) at the forefront. The aging brain is also more prone to vascular changes, mainly ischemic ones, which result in cognitive impairment, or what is generally known as dementia.

I rarely come across a patient whose intellectual performance does not deteriorate over the years – says prof. Kozubski. – However, we note isolated cases of very elderly people, over 85 years of age, quite bright intellectually. Brain efficiency varies individually, but it clearly decreases after the age of 65, which is the limit of today’s retirement age.

When asked about exercises that would improve the functioning of our brains, slowing the aging process, prof. Kozubski replies: – The topics of brain improvement are the domain of the press and the Internet, belonging to the sphere of the so-called media knowledge. Of course, it’s just not true, but it’s comforting, so it’s popular, because we all like to be comforted, we like to hope.

Remember your skin! For the care of this aging skin, you can also buy Buatic Anti-Wrinkle Cream or Richevon Holistic Care Anti-Wrinkle Cream Set, which includes:

  1. Richevon Eye anti-wrinkle eye cream,
  2. Richevon multifunctional anti-wrinkle cream for skin of all ages.

– Good education, completed several faculties, preferably university ones, and using the acquired knowledge in an active way, although not necessarily in a profession, it may be, for example, scientific or artistic creativity – the expert explains – it usually helps to maintain intellectual efficiency longer than poor education or not using with already acquired. Characteristically, it also delays the manifestation of symptoms such as Alzheimer’s disease – adds the professor. – Not because the pathology is different, but because of the intellectual reserve, the so-called intellectual pillow. It’s good if we take care of it. Of course, it is not about reading Danielle Steel’s romance novels or solving crosswords, which lead to the creation of a crossword personality, the so-called a salon moron with an answer to every question.

Genetic factors significantly influence the aging process of the brain.

– Our intellectual profile is guided by our genome and inherited to some extent – explains Prof. Kozubski. – Father Benedykt Chmielowski writes in “Nowe Athens”: “One is smart, the other is slow” and this is the best definition of intellectual property. Also, some of the dementing diseases, especially in the field of Alzheimer’s disease, are strongly genetized. Hence, knowing the history of diseases in our family, we should take into account the fact that they may also affect us. Fortunately, there is still genetic variation, not like viruses, but we are not doomed to anything.

The skin is also subject to aging, which is most visible. That is why it is worth using skin care cosmetics with ingredients that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Try, for example, the PURE PERFECTION Sensilis anti-aging cream that restores the skin’s balance and cleanses, available on Medonet Market at an affordable price. We also recommend the UPGRADE Sensilis firming gel-serum concentrate, which gives a lifting effect and supports the correction of the face oval.

The older the patient, the more drugs

– Patients often ask me what they are sick for and how they will be treated – begins Dr. Krzysztof Pujdak, an internal medicine specialist and cardiologist from the Herford Clinic in Germany. – When they find out that I expect intervention or surgery, they say: but I’m already so old. My answer then is that old age does not protect against adequate treatment.

It is true that usually interventional procedures on the heart or blood vessels are performed in the elderly. Dr. Pujdak emphasizes how important it is for a cardiologist to know the specificity of such patients’ ailments and to identify age-related pathologies. Currently, cardiology departments are mainly occupied by geriatric patients, and if a doctor wants to apply evidence-based medicine, he has a problem, because research is usually carried out on groups whose members are not more than 75 years old.

– If we look at the criteria for including patients in the clinical trial, whether it is coronary disease, hypertension or valve defects, most people eliminate the elderly – says Dr. Pujdak. – Why? Due to comorbidities and taking a variety of medications. A typical elderly patient is a classic case of polypragmasy.

“So, although research is hard to rely on, it is known that most seniors have cardiac arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation,” she adds. – With age, the risk of having a stroke also increases. Hence the great benefits of anticoagulant therapy. In some conditions, such as atrial fibrillation, we must start treatment even in very old age to protect patients from complications.

Often, the line between pathology and aging is fluid, and these processes most often overlap. However, we know that in a healthy elderly person, increased activity of fibroblasts, i.e. cells responsible for the formation of connective tissue, both in the vessels and heart valves, is observed. This is confirmed by genetic tests.

– The fact that in old age genes that produce proteins that enhance calcification are active is important because it leads to calcification of the valves – explains Dr. Pujdak. – Aortic stenosis is a common disease in old age. It is also of great importance for vascular diseases; vascular calcification causes, among others the formation of narrowing of the coronary arteries and the formation of unstable plaques, which are a major risk factor for a heart attack.

  1. See also: A cardiologist explains why young and fit die of heart disease

The blood vessels become thicker and less flexible, which in turn results in pressure fluctuations. Surely everyone has heard about dizziness or even fainting after suddenly jumping to his feet. This is because the baroreceptor reflex responsible for regulating blood pressure weakens with age. When the elasticity of the arterial walls decreases, the frequency of such symptoms increases.

To reduce pressure fluctuations and improve the functioning of the entire circulatory system, order Bioherba Hazelnut Oil, which contains valuable fatty acids that support the body.

– Reduced flexibility of the vessels and the heart muscle itself causes diastolic heart failure – adds the cardiologist. – And the weaker filling of the heart during diastole causes symptoms of failure, such as shortness of breath and swelling of the legs. On the other hand, decreased flexibility of the atria of the heart causes atrial fibrillation.

All these changes can be slowed down by regular aerobic exercise, in other words, through typical endurance training. The benefits are proven, exercise slows down the natural aging of the cardiovascular system.

We have an influence on the rate of aging of the heart and vessels, although unfortunately we are not able to overcome genetics – says Dr. Pujdak. – If someone has the so-called good genes, i.e. has parents who were healthy at a very old age or died late despite the risk factors, this will age more slowly cardiovascular than someone who lives healthy, is slim, has normal cholesterol and blood pressure, but had siblings or parents with an equally good risk profile who died young.

To maintain the good condition of aging skin, reach for the EPTA AGE Anti-Aging Cream for mature skin or the EPTA C35 Intensive Anti-Aging Serum with 35% vitC, which you can buy separately or in the set Glow and strength – an anti-aging set for a beautiful complexion and hair.

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Menopause in women, andropause in men

With age, changes occur in our endocrine system, which can be easily divided into anatomical ones, which include: autoimmune diseases, intensification of apoptosis (natural processes of programmed and controlled destruction of own cells) or tumors and, on the other hand, a decrease in the amount of secreted hormones.

– The most important hormones controlling the processes taking place in our body include: thyroid hormones, insulin and steroid hormones, produced by the adrenal glands (mineralocorticosteroids and glucocorticosteroids, responsible for water and mineral regulation and inhibition of inflammatory processes, respectively) – explains the endocrinologist, Dr. Wojciech Zieleniewski, MD, PhD. – Aging is associated with the processes of disturbance of the biological activity of hormones, their transport and changes in the density of their receptors.

– When looking at individual endocrine glands, their aging is most often accompanied by the formation of tumors and nodules – adds Dr. Zieleniewski. – The thyroid gland can also become fibrotic, in the pancreas there is additionally scattering of the islets, and the follicles disappear in the ovaries.

“All of these changes affect B cell function, which results in overproduction of antibodies or inappropriate communication between T and B cells, which can result in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines,” he says. – As a result, the risk of infectious diseases, malignant tumors and autoimmune diseases is increasing.

5-10 percent people over 60 have hypothyroidism. About 40 – 60 percent. of the population between 65 and 74 years of age suffer from glucose intolerance or diabetes due to aging of the pancreas. This disease affects even half of the population after 80 years of age and is usually not diagnosed, and one of its causes may be the occurrence of insulin resistance associated with the increase in adipose tissue.

– Speaking of the relationship between aging and hormones, it is impossible not to mention the menopause – adds Dr. Zieleniewski. – In most women in their fifties, it manifests itself with bouts of irritability or crying, disturbed sleep, memory and even depression.

For relief of the undesirable symptoms of menopause, try Menopause MenoHerbs – a herbal blend available on Medonet Market.

Ladies often complain of headaches, palpitations, heat waves or profuse sweats. Menopause is also associated with urinary incontinence, atrophic changes in the vagina, and recurrent urethritis and bladder inflammation. It is accompanied by such serious ailments as osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. The decrease in estrogen secretion also affects the cardiovascular system, and hormone replacement therapy with its numerous contraindications does not do the trick. In the USA, since 2003, the FDA requires warning about the risk of heart attack, stroke, breast cancer and embolism on estrogen preparations.

When it comes to menopause, andropause should also be mentioned. Male hormone secretion begins to decline after the age of 50, which of course depends on genetic factors and lifestyle. Andropause makes itself felt in about 60 percent. men over 65. It manifests itself as: weakness, fatigue or sleep disturbance. Less frequently, we are dealing with a decrease in muscle mass, obesity, osteoporosis, impotence or gynecomastia. As in the case of menopause, the symptoms of andropause are alleviated by hormone therapy, but also here we are dealing with numerous contraindications, such as cancer.

Over time, the skin also loses its condition, so if necessary, it is worth reaching for hemp ointment for sensitive and aging skin, which reduces irritation and perfectly moisturizes the skin. We also recommend Bioherba cosmetics set (youth serum + care and regeneration cream) for aging skin. If you want to keep a youthful appearance for longer, reach for the Youth Serum for dull and tired skin with vitamins C and E Malus.

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