A lump on a child’s neck: what could it be, reasons
If a child has a lump on the neck, you need to immediately undergo a medical examination. This is a must, even if the neoplasm does not bother the baby. A small nodule may be harmless, but is often indicative of serious medical conditions.
A lump on the neck – what could it be?
The first step is to show the baby to a pediatrician or therapist. If necessary, your doctor may advise you to consult with an oncologist.
A lump on a child’s neck may be invisible, but it can be felt well.
A neoplasm on the neck in both adults and children may indicate such benign pathologies:
- Lymphadenitis is a non-dangerous disease in which a lump appears as a result of a weakened immune system. It usually develops against the background of infectious diseases of the teeth, throat or ears. The neoplasm is usually imperceptible externally, but it can be easily felt with the fingers.
- Lipoma or atheroma are benign formations that do not bring discomfort to children. But they have an unattractive appearance. The bumps need to be monitored, and if they begin to grow, become painful, they need to be urgently removed.
- Ear fistula is usually hereditary, but can result from chronic otitis media. The tumor does not bother the mausoleum, but if an infection enters it, it can become painful.
All of these tumors are harmless, but they can be confused with malignant ones. Therefore, only a doctor can make a diagnosis.
Other causes of lumps on the neck
A neoplasm in the neck is not always benign. Some pathologies are very dangerous and can even lead to death:
- Mumps, or “mumps”, is a rather dangerous infectious disease, during which inflammation of the salivary glands begins. Due to infection, they thicken, become painful, and the body temperature may rise. In the absence of qualified treatment, pathology can lead to serious complications: damage to the prostate and testicles in boys, and the ovaries in girls becomes the cause of infertility at puberty.
- Malignant tumor – at first it has the shape of a pea, which grows very quickly. If the operation is not done in time, metastasis to other organs will begin.
When a formation appears on the child’s neck, do not panic. Indeed, in most cases, the neoplasm is benign.
But there is no need to try to determine what kind of tumor it is, as self-medication is dangerous. After all, even a malignant process can be cured only if therapy is started on time.