A. Lenglet “What drives a person? Existential-analytical theory of emotions»

Can we be true to ourselves if we do not pay attention to our feelings? If we do not listen to our own instinct, do we not respect our intuition? “He who does not feel that he is important to him and cannot rely on this feeling,” writes the leading Austrian psychotherapist Alfried Langle, “becomes a stranger to himself and lives a life that is not his own.”

Can we be true to ourselves if we do not pay attention to our feelings? If we do not listen to our own instinct, do we not respect our intuition? “He who does not feel that he is important to him and cannot rely on this feeling,” writes the leading Austrian psychotherapist Alfried Langle, “becomes a stranger to himself and lives a life that is not his own.” This book (collection of articles) reflects the phenomenological theory of emotions – one of the most interesting areas in the study of the emotional world of the individual. This is a look at emotions through the prism of a person’s existence, his fundamental life motivations.

Genesis, 235 p.

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