A hyperactive child: signs of what to do for parents

A hyperactive child: signs of what to do for parents

🙂 Greetings to regular and new readers! The article “The hyperactive child: signs of what to do for parents” provides basic information on this issue. Psychologist’s advice and video of the popular pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

What is hyperactivity in a child

Hyperactivity is a human condition in which excitability and physical activity exceed the norm. This is a sign of an unbalanced nervous system.

In a child, this condition occurs in the perinatal period. With complicated or premature birth, from birth trauma or infection. A child can be called overactive only if his physical activity and excitability exceed the norm, and his condition is inadequate.

A hyperactive child: signs of what to do for parents

Signs of hyperactivity in a child

  • too much dynamism in comparison with children of the same age and intellectual development;
  • in circumstances requiring calm, excessive impatience is manifested;
  • vigorous movement of arms and legs is noted, even while sitting, the child does not stop moving and spinning;
  • often it seems unacceptable according to the situation and useless activity of movement in the form of running, jumping and crawling;
  • the kid prefers noisy activities due to the inability to play calmly and silently;
  • immoderate chatter and talkativeness are often demonstrated.

If all these indicators coincide and the doctor’s conclusion about the super-dynamism of your child, you should not despair. With proper implementation of the recommendations of specialists, the manifestations of such signs will begin to weaken noticeably.

Hyperactive child: what to do?

It is known that a child’s brain is malleable and extremely receptive. And with a suitable correction, it is possible to compensate for the developmental deficit. But for the best achievement of success, it is important to apply the entire proposed complex, which includes:

  • maintaining emotional contact with your baby;
  • assistance in mastering self-control techniques;
  • teaching the rules of behavior in society;
  • following the daily routine;
  • selection and introduction of dietary food into the diet;
  • daily massage;
  • systematic exercise;
  • consultations, and, if necessary, treatment by a neurologist;
  • classes with a psychologist according to an individual program.

There is no need to hope that with age such a baby will calm down and get mad. In case of non-fulfillment of the above cumulative actions, over time, his inappropriate behavior can only intensify. The child will begin to develop headaches and depression.

So that children do not have the prerequisites for overactive actions, create a special microclimate for them:

  • do not allow your baby to sit in front of the TV for a long time;
  • do not allow computer games to be played;
  • if possible, protect from large crowds of people;
  • equip his personal space. The place for studying should not be combined with the place where his things are stored;
  • it is desirable to decorate his room in the style of minimalism, made in soothing colors;
  • the family needs a favorable environment with trusting relationships;
  • try to openly show your love for him;
  • use orders and direct prohibitions as little as possible in relations with him;
  • support his decisive endeavors;
  • never draw parallels between your own and someone else’s child;
  • do not suppress physical activity, because he must expend his energy.

A hyperactive child is not a tragedy. But by exacerbating this problem, parents run the risk of raising an inadequate and asocial person. Remember: with a loving attitude towards their children, they will be able to successfully adapt in any society.


A very useful and informative video for parents. Dr. E.O. Komarovsky “Hyperactive child: signs of what to do”

Hyperactive child – School of Dr. Komarovsky

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