A Hunter’s Tale: the Militant Sable or the Right to Life

🙂 Greetings, dear readers! The hunter’s story is a case in life, how the sable earned the respect of the hunter and the right to life.

In the evening Anatoly tamped gunpowder and medium-caliber shot into the shells, then took off his old tulka from the wall, looked at the barrels, polished to a shine, drank some tea and went to bed. I didn’t even watch the news on TV. I went to bed so that morning would come soon.

Early in the morning, the hunter went to the winter forest. The way there was long, so the dawn had hardly dawned, Anatoly, accompanied by his two dogs Polkan and Naida, set off. The day turned out to be extremely good – peace and grace.

But here’s the annoyance: no hare tracks, no braids on the tops of birches, no other living creatures came across. The dogs ran ahead without much interest, sniffing at the bumps and the fox’s trail winding between them. But the trail was old, two days old. It seems that the hunting luck left Anatoly.

Having driven into a small hollow, the hunter began to climb the hillock when the dogs raised a loud barking. They spun around a thin lonely tree, alternately throwing their paws on the trunk, as if intending to knock it down. Tolik looked closely and saw a sable on the tree.

The best defense is offense

For the sake of curiosity, the hunter decided to see what would happen next. And the sable at this time, ruffling the fur on its back, squeaked angrily and hissed like a snake, trying to hold on to the thin swaying top of a birch. But it didn’t work out.

The polkan ran into the trunk with a run, the tree crackled, and the sable fell into the snow. At that moment, two angry dog ​​muzzles appeared in front of him.

That’s all, the hunter thought. But the incredible happened: the animal quickly rushed to meet the dogs and grabbed Polkan’s nose. The dog seemed to have been scalded with boiling water. He turned his head, screeched wildly.

Leaning on its back, the dog tried to throw off the sable with its paws. Naida came to the rescue of Polkan, to her misfortune. Seizing the moment, she grabbed the animal by the tail, pulling out a tuft of fur from it.

Sable let go of the dog’s nose and, turning around, immediately hung on Naida. The attack was so swift, and most importantly – unexpected, that the dog, unconscious of pain, rushed straight through the dry bush.

Naida frantically shook her head on which the sable dangled. When the dog managed to shake him off, the fighting parties seemed to calm down.

Beaten and humiliated dogs growled in impotent rage and scattered snow with their hind legs. Sable, with the air of an experienced warrior, waited and, if necessary, was ready to attack again.

After catching his breath, he did just that. It should be noted that this was not recklessness on his part. Sable saw that the dogs completely cut off his path to salvation – the only tree on a small hillock. Therefore, against his will, he again had to rush into the attack first. The dogs did not flinch.

This time the fight in the clearing was short and fierce. Anatoly saw from the hillock what a round dance circled there, in the lowland, raising snow dust into the air. How the lone sable managed to dodge the dog’s fangs, the hunter did not understand.

A Hunter’s Tale: the Militant Sable or the Right to Life

Sable is a warrior

The denouement came unexpectedly. Sable rushed forward and at the moment when the brutal dogs simultaneously rushed at him, easily jumped far to the side. The dogs stared in bewilderment at the place where their opponent had just been. And the sable at that time was rushing as fast as he could to the saving tree.

Of course, the dogs rushed in pursuit, but it was too late. The sable flew up to the top of the birch in one light jump. Polkan and Naida, circling a little more under the tree, went guiltily to their host.

– What did the little heads hang? I suppose you feel ashamed? – Anatoly laughed and turned to the house. He did not want to kill such a militant sable – he earned the right to life.

By the way, once, Tolik heard from an experienced hunter that the sable is not only cunning, it is also very fierce and fearless. If he were the size of a husky, no animal would have a place in the forest, not even a bear. Then Anatoly just shrugged his shoulders – somehow it was hard to believe. But now he had to be convinced of this with his own eyes.


Additional information to the article “The Hunter’s Tale” about the sable – a predatory animal from the weasel family


Living Encyclopedia – Animals – Sable

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