A humped nose: how to reshape? Video
A humped nose is one of the most common forms according to research. Moreover, in most cases, it is considered a rather serious drawback, from which people (especially women) really want to get rid of. There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of a hump on the nose. But the number of ways to get rid of it is quite limited. However, if you wish, the hump can be masked or removed permanently.
A humped nose: how to correct the shape?
Despite the fact that there are many examples of stellar and successful women who made a crooked nose their highlight, ladies still, in most cases, want to get rid of such a defect. The reasoning is quite simple: the hump spoils the woman’s appearance, turning her nose into a bird’s beak. Therefore, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity go to various tricks that help them get rid of the hated hump.
How is the hump on the nose formed?
The hump itself is a formation consisting of bone and cartilaginous tissue protruding on the dorsum of the nose. As a result, it acquires such a convex shape.
There are several reasons for the formation of such a cosmetic defect.
Among them:
- Наследственность
- genetic condition (for example, nationality)
- mechanical damage, etc.
A hump on the nose of representatives of nations who live in the regions of the Caucasus and Asia Minor is a completely normal and familiar phenomenon. But in people of the Slavic type, it introduces an imbalance in facial features, diverting attention from the cheekbones, eyes, etc.
Experts note that a hump on the nose often makes a person very complex: he begins to fail at work, in his personal life, etc. Scientifically proven fact: as soon as a person removes a hump, his life is getting better.
The hump is a defect that is harmless to health, i.e. it has no effect on the respiratory system. Therefore, the issue of getting rid of it is purely cosmetic.
How to get rid of a hump on the nose: surgery
Naturally, the main and most reliable method of getting rid of the hump of the nose is plastic correction – rhinoplasty. Despite the fact that the size of the nose and hump is small, this type of operation is considered one of the most difficult. Only the most experienced and qualified doctors are engaged in this type of surgical intervention. After all, it is quite difficult to remove the hump in this way.
It only seems that nose correction with plastic surgery is a simple procedure. In fact, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors: the patient’s age, features of the structure of the nose, etc. It is imperative that a computer modeling procedure is carried out so that the patient can examine her new nose and evaluate the result she will eventually receive.
The ideal age to undergo nose correction surgery is between 18 and 40. This is due to the fact that the bones of the skull are already formed and no longer grow. After 40 rhinoplasty is not performed, because this is due to a large number of postoperative deformities. For ladies of elegant age, the skin is no longer in good shape, metabolic processes are slowed down, as a result of which such a problem may arise when the skin simply does not take the size of the new base of the nose and remains saggy.
If you meet a surgeon who has nothing against performing rhinoplasty for women over 40, immediately leave him (even if you are only 18 or 20). Such an attitude of the doctor suggests that he is a layman.
The essence of rhinoplasty is that during the operation, the surgeon removes both part of the protruding cartilage and part of the bone tissue. As a result of these actions, the back of the nose is straightened. But the surgeon must have a high accuracy of making incisions, otherwise many small scars may remain on the skin. And this will spoil the face no less than the presence of a hump.
The operation itself takes place in several stages. To begin with, the surgeon makes an incision inside the nasal passages to gain access to the hump. He then removes the cartilage. And then he moves on to the correction of the bony part of the nose. The doctor moves the remaining parts of the cartilage and fixes them in a new position. At the end of the operation, a bandage is applied to the nose, which will remain on the face for 8-10 days. To prevent the development of bleeding in the nose, cotton swabs are inserted into the patient’s nostrils. And this means that you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to breathe only through your mouth.
The first results of rhinoplasty can be assessed two weeks after the operation, the final results – after six months.
Contraindications to rhinoplasty include chronic illnesses, drug allergies, mental disorders, and other serious health problems.
How to get rid of a bump on the nose: makeup
Of course, it is impossible to get rid of the hump with the help of makeup. However, cosmetics are able to disguise the hump on the nose so that it will not be visible. To align the nose with the hump, highlight the front of the bridge of the nose, and darken the sides. You can perform this procedure both with the help of powder of different tones, and with the help of blush. To achieve the ideal effect after finishing the nose correction with cosmetics, mat the hump with a special powder.
How to get rid of a hump on the nose: gymnastics
Special gymnastics also helps to slightly correct and slightly change the shape of the hump nose. It was designed by Carol Magio.
How to get rid of a bump on your nose
The exercise technique is quite simple. You can perform the exercises in any position that is convenient for you – lying, sitting, standing, and even if you are going somewhere.
Press on the tip of the nose with your index finger so that it rises slightly upward. Pull your upper lip along your lower lip and lower your nostrils. The tip of the nose at this moment should move downward, resisting your finger. Hold your nose in this position for a few seconds.
Relax your lips. Remember to breathe during the exercise at a normal pace. It must be repeated 35 times a day. If you do gymnastics twice a day – in the morning and in the evening, you can achieve more noticeable results.
Also interesting to read: dietary regimen.