A hump on the nose: how to get rid of?

A hump on the nose: how to get rid of?

A hump on the nose in some cases may look natural. Its owner can even treat it as a kind of “zest”, giving originality and uniqueness to his appearance. However, this statement is not true for everyone, because sometimes the hump may not look very attractive – for example, visually enlarge or bend the nose. If this defect bothers you, you can get rid of it, or at least make it less noticeable.

Method 1: aesthetic surgery

Of course, the most radical method of dealing with hump is nose surgery (rhinoplasty). It is able not only to eliminate the hump, but also to change the shape of the nose, its length, width, as well as increase / decrease the size, free from congenital and acquired defects.

Rhinoplasty is performed with the participation of certified doctors in medical centers for cosmetology and surgery. This operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Not everyone can resort to surgery, as there are some limitations.

Rhinoplasty is contraindicated or undesirable in the following cases:

  • if the age is less than 18 years old or more than 40
  • with diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system
  • in violation of blood clotting
  • if you have diabetes
  • if there is a tendency to form keloid scars

Before rhinoplasty, you will have to pass some tests and undergo a special examination, as well as visit other specialists: ENT, therapist, anesthesiologist

This is not a complete list, so before making an appointment for an operation, you should visit a specialist and get detailed advice. The doctor will describe the stages of rhinoplasty for you and will do computer modeling, which will allow you to present the result of the operation, as well as choose the shape of the nose that suits your face type.

Rhinoplasty is a rather expensive procedure. The consequences of this operation in the form of bruises and swelling disappear in about 2 weeks. However, it is quite common and at the same time relatively safe.

Method 2: face gymnastics

If surgery is undesirable or contraindicated, you can try to remove the hump and even change the shape and size of the nose using a special aerobics for the face from Carol Maggio. However, it should be borne in mind that such exercises will only help when the hump is formed not by bone, but by cartilage. To get a noticeable effect of facial gymnastics exercises, they need to be performed several times a day every day.

Method 3: decorative cosmetics

Decorative cosmetics will help to disguise the hump on the nose and make it less noticeable. To do this, apply a darker shade of powder to the back of the nose, but a lighter shade on the wings of the nose. Then you should gently shade the powder, this will make the color transition less noticeable. Alternatively, you can divert attention away from the upper part of your face by wearing bright lipstick.

You will read about how to paint eyes in the next article.

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