A home remedy for embarrassing ailments. What does soaking your feet in vinegar do?

Vinegar is a product that has many uses. Its action has been appreciated for a very long time – especially the bactericidal properties of this solution. It turns out that vinegar can help us get rid of many ailments and embarrassing problems related to … feet! What exactly does soaking your feet in vinegar do? Healthline took a closer look at the beneficial effects of vinegar on our skin.

  1. A popular way to get dry, cracked heels is to soak your feet in vinegar. It is important that the bathing time does not exceed 15 minutes
  2. Medicine also recommends vinegar as an antifungal agent, and its effectiveness is confirmed by research
  3. However, it is worth remembering not to use vinegar on damaged skin. The method is also not recommended for people with diabetes
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The ingredient that gives vinegar its healing effect is the diluted form of acetic acid. It is used in, inter alia, in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, where it is widely used thanks to its cleansing, exfoliating, bactericidal and fungicidal properties. The mentioned action has also been appreciated in many home practices. One of them is soaking your feet in vinegar. What might be the results of regularly subjecting your feet to this ritual?

A remedy for cracked heels

If you are struggling with dry and cracked heels, and some methods have proved to be ineffective, you should try the natural way – soaking your feet in vinegar. However, it is important that the water is not hot. After soaking your feet briefly for up to 15 minutes, dry them thoroughly, and then put on cotton socks. It is best to do this right before going to bed.

  1. Do you have cracked heels? The body is trying to tell you something important

What can you gain by choosing such a treatment at home? Soaking your feet in vinegar will help you get rid of dead skin and soften dry skin. It is also worth reaching for Dr Stopa FLOSLEK Intensive Moisturizing Foot Cream, which soothes irritations and accelerates skin regeneration. At Medonet Market you can also buy Dr Stopa Cracked Heel Cream, as well as natural BIO cream for dry feet with Propolia BeeYes propolis, which soothe irritations and perfectly moisturize the skin.

A way to combat unpleasant odors

Stinky feet are caused by excess bacteria. This is an uncomfortable problem that each of us wants to get rid of as soon as possible. It turns out that soaking our feet in vinegar will help us deal with this embarrassing ailment. Before starting this activity, you should first wash your feet thoroughly – preferably using an antibacterial soap. After this step, you can start soaking your feet in vinegar.

For excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor, we also recommend the FLOSLEK Antibacterial Cooling Foot Deodorant or Dr Stopa Refreshing Foot Deodorant also by FLOSLEK, which are available at Medonet Market.

Are you struggling with athlete’s foot? Try soaking your feet in vinegar

Foot care, enriched with soaking them in a solution of water and vinegar, will help prevent or even get rid of bacteria caused by fungal diseases. If you struggle with athlete’s foot or nail fungus, be sure to try this method. The operation of the aforementioned method can work wonders, all thanks to acetic acid, which is excellent at fighting various infections.

According to a 2010 study cited by Healthline, the antifungal effects of vinegar are stronger than that of other food preservatives, while still being safe enough for consumption. It is this action that is credited with some of its most remarkable benefits. Vinegar has been found to slow the growth of certain types of athlete’s foot.

We also recommend special cosmetics for foot care, eg Ballerina FLOSLEK Intensive Moisturizing Foot Cream with urea.

  1. These are the worst socks for your feet. Ringworm is almost certain

Effective remedy for athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot, also known as athlete’s foot, is a condition caused by a fungal infection. The fingers are affected – most often the space between the fourth and fifth fingers. Bacteria spread quickly, which leads to the feeling of many unpleasant ailments. Symptoms of athlete’s foot include: rash, nagging burning, sweating or unpleasant smell of the feet, as well as peeling skin – not only between the toes, but also on the sole.

  1. A troublesome ailment for athletes

Again, soaking your feet in vinegar may prove to be a helpful practice. How to prepare the solution? It is enough to pour a glass of vinegar into hot water and soak your feet for about a quarter of an hour. For the treatment to be effective, the treatment should be repeated two to three times a week.

In addition, it is also worth taking care of comfortable, breathable socks and the right size of footwear, and after bathing and soaking your feet in vinegar, dry them thoroughly.

MedicalNewsToday points out that there is no known credible evidence to conclude that an athlete’s foot can be cured by any home remedy, including vinegar. However, there are many people who say that it is this substance that brings relief to their feet.

It is also safe and convenient to use Tadé Pays du Levant Regenerating Hand and Foot Balm with Dead Sea salt, which soothes and reduces irritation. We also recommend Foot Cream containing 15% Bioherba urea, which supports skin regeneration and improves its elasticity.

Say goodbye to warts on your feet

A viral wart that appears on the foot is not a pleasant and aesthetic change on the skin. A natural and easy way to get rid of it is to wet your feet in vinegar. Acetic acid softens the wart, gets rid of viruses that are responsible for its formation, and finally the wart falls off.

To get rid of this problem, soak your feet in vinegar for about 30 minutes. Water diluted with half a glass of vinegar should be warm. There is also another local way. Apple cider vinegar can be applied directly to the wart – just soak a cotton pad and put it on the unsightly growth.

Get rid of the painful corns

Corns are a very common condition that we can deal with in several ways. You can replace special plasters and pharmacy products with home remedies, including soaking your feet in vinegar. The solution helps to soften calluses and get rid of the hard surface of the skin. How can this be done? Pour water and white vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1 into the bowl. Soaking your feet in vinegar in this case should last about 15 minutes.

For corns we also recommend Dr Stopa FLOSLEK softening liquid for corns and corns, which has exfoliating properties and accelerates skin regeneration.

  1. Corns. What specialist treatments help treat corns?

Be careful with vinegar

It is worth remembering that vinegar is not a medicine, but a home method, passed down from generation to generation. It is worth using it carefully and remember that it can irritate the skin, especially if it is damaged. People with diabetes should avoid vinegar baths, doctors warn.

A deodorant that protects against sweating and mycosis, a gel for hyperhidrosis and patches for corns with salicylic acid will help in caring for healthy and nice feet.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to one of the ways to deal with stress – the TRE method. What is it about? How does it release us from stress and trauma? Who is it intended for and who should definitely not use it? About this in the latest episode of our podcast.

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