A high post for a woman – achievement or stress?

A leading position for a woman is power, influence, prestige, a high level of income, job satisfaction … Where does depression come from among female leaders?

It would seem that in the modern world it has long been accepted as a given that the capabilities of people do not depend on gender. However, it turned out that women leaders in offices around the world are still depressed by the echoes of inequality.

This was confirmed by scientists from the University of Texas (USA). Studies led by sociology professor Tetyana Pudrovska have shown that female executives often have symptoms of depression in addition to a prestigious profession, high income and job satisfaction.

The telephone interviews conducted during the study included 1300 men and 1500 women aged 54 to 64. The subjects were asked how high their position was, how many days in the past week they felt depressed and thought about failures in life.

In the survey, male executives showed fewer symptoms of depression than females. Men faced fewer stress factors and noted less attention from management to their work. And tasks such as hiring and firing employees led to lower levels of depression in male executives. The key factor, according to scientists, was the absence of a constant painful need for men to fight stereotypes – unlike women, who spend their strength and energy every day to prove their professional viability.

Women who try on the “male” model of leader behavior are often accused of losing their femininity. They have to face doubts about their competence, distrust and resistance from subordinates and superiors. And the leaders, who are distinguished by a softer – that is, more “feminine” – behavior, turn out to be insufficiently convincing bosses in the eyes of their colleagues. As a result, in order not to fall into this gender trap, women have to constantly prove their right to a high position.

* Journal of Health and Social Behavior, December 2014.

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